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Enigma pre-orders

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New stuff from Enigma on pre-order, and it's some tasty stuff, as usual.

Ethernia, 54 mm, by Remy Tremblay




Yummy! :D

Corussan, 1/10th scale bust, by Jonatan Monerris




Interesting design... it's some sort of demonic character.

Katherine Vinoq, 30 mm (or rather 35...), by Yannick Henebo (I think)




Beautiful sculpt!

Mon Gun Low, 30 mm+, by Seth Nash




Really cool design! Quite bizarre.

Ninthphegoz, 30 mm+, by Jerome Renaud




A bit standard undead, but really well done and very cool!

Yhedra, 30 mm (or in this case, 23 mm apparently), don't know who did this (maybe Latorre himself?)




Also a really great sculpt! Maybe not as immediately eye-catching, but when you study this a bit it's the type of mini you can make a really moody paint job on.

This is going to be expensive... :hmmmm:


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Wow, great stuff in this release! I love Ethernia, and not just because she has a little companion (which is what, chameleon? half-cat?). Katherine as mentioned before is a little static but compensates for that in other areas. Yhedra looks perfect for Rotten Harvest!

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grrr Anders ........grrr mumble mumble wallet creaking... grrr missus watching ..must resist.... Damn it's enigma... Oh well We don't need electricity hang the bills...

I'm liking these all of em really.. I think the undead guy is the best they've done in the dead ones.. The pirates are great The top one awesome and the bottom one looks a ton of fun....

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well I try to get out and they just pull me back in...grr... got the email with the pre order bundles and went for the £45 full set... The missus will kill me ... Oh well .. didn't realise that top one was a 54mm .. now that really is exciting...Now to figure out a valid excuse to the Missus.. anyone????

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well I try to get out and they just pull me back in...grr... got the email with the pre order bundles and went for the £45 full set... The missus will kill me ... Oh well .. didn't realise that top one was a 54mm .. now that really is exciting...Now to figure out a valid excuse to the Missus.. anyone????

Well, you could always try telling her that they're at a special price with a pre-order and since you're going to buy them eventually, you might as well get them now when they're cheaper.

But I think Ritual is right on this one. :)

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If she likes cute critters you might paint up the 54mm for her and hope she doesn't notice the rest?

Things that have been known to mollify me when hubby is naughty about buying too many games or similar offenses... extensive backrubs, doing a few extra chores, distracting me with minis (insert something your wife likes here since in this case minis are the offending item), a nice dinner, making a little extra money on the side to make up for the purchase.

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Yah, if my husband buys alot of new minis for himself, I don't get upset if he buys some for me, too.. :)


Well, actually, I don't really get mad if he buys alot of new minis for himself and not me, because I figure I can always snag them later when he's forgotten their his and claim them as my own.. >: )

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LOL like that one Xenonwulf ... Ritual was right though she's having a paddy (shouldn't really say that her been Irish) about it... funny thing is she's punishing me by giving me the silent treatment... At Last.. I can paint in peace........and if you read this dear I'm sorry I didn't mean that last remark...I feel saddened by the silent treatment as I miss the comfort our love shares in the emotions and thought shared conversation holds..I have learned a lesson that I won't soon forget and cannot wait for our love to blossom forth as I hear the godess like wisdom and beauty of your words once more......

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