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Scibor Miniatures

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I like them....

I also don't care if they are press moulded or whatever.... it's a legitimate process in my opinion, when it's based on your own work (copying IP is a different thing entirely though of course).

Also, whoever slated him in this thread for using photoshop to render his concepts is wrong. Look at the concept sketches and you will see. He actually uses Tombow brush pens if I remember rightly.

Why people are so vitriolic about scibor has always puzzled me.

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Envy? This guy used to sell a lot of Space Marines conversions fro outrageous prices.

I think that is the crux of the vitriol at Scibor. Folks were pissed off that he was commanding (and getting) insane prices for conversions.

The issue of IP infringement became a hot button issue because of those prices. Had he been doing it, and only making a pittance, i doubt anyone would have noticed or cared.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I figured out my problem with some of the Scibor sculpts: this minis would be very OK in a 28mm-32mm scale but the transferrence to a bigger scale requires a finer approach to anatomy. The mino is ok, there is a lot of accomplished with the paintjob, namely the skin texturing etc.

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  • 2 months later...


it took us longer than we initially hoped but finally we can present new some stuff! grin.gif

first piece is Dwarf bust - it's the first bust from our offer but surely not the last one! the model is made of high quality resin and is 120mm high!


second model is another dwarf in 54mm scale - Barburkir von Kiloff


and because of some enquiries we've been recieving - we added separated bases from 54mm scale models to the store.

soon more goodies will appear so stay tuned! smile.gif


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Those are some strong accusations there, Artemis. Care to elaborate on what facts lead to to that particular conclusion?

Personally, I don't know him to make any judgements. I've heard about his pre-pressing to make GW conversions, and I was under the assumption that his miniature line was entirely original sculpts from him, and they're not bad, just a little too "chunky" for my tastes.

(Don't mean to stir up the beehive here, but the Scibor-subject seems to bring up a "love-him-or-hate-him" attitude, just curious on what facts these people are getting thier conclusions from).


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Back when he was just doing conversions and flogging them on Ebay he happily admitted to illegally press moulding GW terminator captain heads for his minis because he couldn't sculpt faces (or much else at the time).

Then when too many people started pointing out that it was illegal his next round of conversions claimed he'd sculpted the head from scratch - even though it was the 'exact' same head.

He has since gone back and wiped his own comments from all his old CMON pieces but there are screen grabs and plenty of old forum threads which quote it and him.

He also press moulded Hornet figures and claimed he'd sculpted them himself when he attempted to release some polish soldier figures.

If you look at his actual miniature line and check the heads on his early figures, a dwarf, two servitors, the guy on the back of the big boar rider and others, they all have the same head and it bears an absolutely uncanny resemblance to the same terminator head he'd previously admitted to pirating.

Ashis sculpting shows serious weak points across the line but oddly sharp details elsewhere then I simply no longer trust 'anything' he puts out.

As far as I'm concerned there is more than enough evidence to come to the conclusion that he's a thief and a pirate. As such I will never do business with him and as someone who makes his living from the business I won't just sit idly by while somebody does it as the next time it could be any other company who sees something remarkably similar to one of their own parts show up in a Scibor mini.

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As a quick example, take a look at this thead from CMON forums..


... apart from the opinion of a number of professional sculptors that some of the details, in particular the boots and faces, are steps ahead of the rest of the miniature take a good look at the last photo - a soldier next to half a green.

Then take a look at this page from Hornet's site...


... particularly the head on the far left.

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  • 6 months later...

i keep on wondering why people can't "tone down" their comments. i mean, everyone's opinion counts, but do know that you're also pertaining to a *human* being who has *feelings* and *thoughts* (not trying to sound gay here).

there's also a difference between "constructive criticism" and "plain libeling/slandering". not trying to oppose anyone here, but can't we give out comments in a more civilized and educated manner?

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sorry about that :P it's just...

nah. enough drama. like i read from the earlier pages:

I'll get over it. he has nice stuff, and i'll admit that, but we all have freedom of choice whether or not to support a product line, right :D?

sorry about the gay reference. my bad :s okay, this is my last post for this thread. sorry to reawaken this -_-'

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