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Granite Base


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Really impressive, a tutorial wouldn't go amiss...

I was thinking of doing that as I'm planning on doing a couple more like this. I could use the next one as the subject for it. Let me think about it and see what I can come up with.

Thanks for the compliments, everyone. You all make a girl blush!:flirt:

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That's a great base liz! How did you make the purple flowers? I have an idea, but not sure if I'm right or not.

There's this stuff from woodland scenics (I think). It's like green fiber with these hard little colored dots of something in it. It'supposed to be used as "flowering foliage" or something like that. If you rub it between your fingers the little colored dots fall off. I caught them in a plastic tupperware lid.

The stems are dark green broom grass. I dipped an end in white glue and rolled it in the little colored dots, shaped a bit with my fingers and let them dry. I attached them with a bit of green stuff, having cut the stems really short. Than I covered the green stuff with that spoungy "shrub foliage" from woodland scenics, making sure to use tiny little pieces in 2 colrs of green to keep it natural. Never even painted the green stuff. Just glued the spoungy stuff on top.

Edit: The rotting wood in the front was fun. It was kind of a happy accident. Remember those horrible twigs from my TT entry? In the back of the ogre from the deadly duel? I took one of those and split the twig open to see if I could get a piece the looked like a log, intending to paint it. The inside was really white so I dipped it in a bit of straight P3 flesh wash, the accidently dropped it in some P3 armor wash I was using for something else. I quick wicked away as much of the fluid as I could and it looked just like rotting wood. Worked a dream!

Here's some pics of the details;





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Hey Liz,

As someone whos always preached do good basework this is Really Really nice. I like all the uses of natural found objects to make your ground work. Also the fact that you have painted all of it too. many people make the mistake of not painting natural objects and they ten look out of scale and out of place. By painting them they look now in scale with the rest of the work.

Nice tutorial too.

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