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Injun Joss


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"Did he just call me an 'apple'?"

...Joss looked at the Pit Boss, then back at the councelman. This could be fun. Joss wasn't really there to smack around the locals, and everyone knew that. He was there to answer the likes of Tony Two Blades from Atlantic City or Mutton Jack from the New Lands Casino just west of Gallup. He'd already answered the high rollers from Vegas, and everyone fully expected a blow up one day with the hired hands at Sky City Casino. It was a class operation, the Acoma ran, and their boys were professional in every way. Respect was one thing, but the day wouild come, and that was the sort of thing Joss was for. Muscle like his wasn't there to smack drunks around or bounce the occassional loudmouth. It was for the big rivalries. But Joss could enjoy a little mix up without the usual risks. This might be okay after all.

Joss was a warrior, just like his ancestors, at least that's what he told himself. The stakes were a little different these days, and some of the enemies, but the difference was superficial. In the old days his people had fought the Crow and the Cavalry for hunting territory. Today, they fought for control of tourist money. The weapons were a little different too. Joss' Tomahawks were of the finest titanium steel, not like those his grandfathers had used to crush the skull of Fetterman's troops. And of course there were the steroids. "Fuck Custer and his piddly force," Joss used to say. "Hell, with blackjack revenues and juice like this stuff now, we'd have aced the whole damn 7th Cavalry."

Idle Fantasies. What was real now was the time riverboat thugs had tried to kneecap all the dealers in the big hall one night. They came in, so they thought, with enough muscle to hold down the place long enough to send a message. Terrible thing when a baseball bat hits a knee. Just a little more terrible when an axe does the same thing. Joss had to leave a couple intact though. So they could reach the peddlles to drive back to the city hospital. Joss could be real thoughtful that way. Folks appreciated that about Joss, he saw to that.

No, people didn't normally fuck with Joss, especially not his own people. But this sunofabitch was feeling his cheap Tokay wine and singing loud and rude about everything and everyone this side of the reservation line. The pathetic wino had a seat on the tribal council, so they cut him a little slack. What the old fart was on about was anybody's guess, buut no-one really cared. Things had gone a little too far. People had been insulted who should not have been insulted and secrets had been spit out in the presence of customers who didn't need to know a damn thing. That's when Joss stepped in. It was distasteful to have to silence innocent folk, especially folk that still had money to spend. Folk that would have money to spend week after week if they weren't too scared to set foot on the premises.

But the Councilman didn't heed the warnings. He knocked away the cofee and frybread Joss had brought him. It was an honest effort to avoid unnecessary ugliness, and Joss had been happy to do it. Now, Joss was thinking, he might be just as happy to forcefeed the bread and scalding coffee to the little moron right here in front of everyone. The drunk was venting all the local secrets from the whereabouts of the best bootleggers and an affair between the tribal President and his best secretary to the final destination of the night's proceeds. Might just be the money was headed off reservation, maybe to folks in Kansas City. A dollar didn't stay long on the rez before it left for other pastures, not even a whole lot of them. Everyone knew that. But some thought maybe the bulk went back east, and this loudmouth was doing his best to prove that in front of everyoine who would listen. It wasn't true Joss thought, not that it mattered to him much. The matter wasn't for open air and everyone who mattered knew that much.

Joss looked back at the pit boss. There were no words, but everyone knew what Joss wanted to know (everyone except the councilman who was too busy cussing). Joss lowered his glasses just a moment, and the pit boss could see the question in his eyes; "Do I use a bat, or do I get out an axe?"

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