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Review: Anime Schoogirl w/ Hamster Gun

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Ok, for those that didn't know or don't remember Tom Meier sculpted this (you can see the original thread here) and put it up for auction, along with the production rights. Ginfritter won and said that they'd start shipping in April. Mine arrived yesterday and well....


Ok, first of all, I love this sculpture. It's a great little idea and Tom did an excellent job with it. It is about 60mm and it's cast in plastic.

It's supposed to come in 4 pieces (according to Ginfritter's website) - mine came in five. The hamster is supposed to be attached to the piece he's sitting next to. Ok, so maybe the mail wasn't as easy with it as it should have been.

I'm not overly happy with the casting of this. If you get it, be ready to do a lot of prep work. The flash and mold lines are horrible on this, at least for me. On top of that, there are places where it looks like the cast just went wrong.


I hope you can see that. And these little spots are all over it: arms, legs, gun, skirt; you get the idea. A lot of sanding is going to be involved to get this ready.

Still, I really like the idea of the mini, so I'm willing to invest the time to prep it. If anyone has gotten theirs, I'd really like to know how yours turned out. Maybe mine is just a fluke.

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I got mine Friday, but since I left right after my mail went on Friday to go visit my parents for the weekend, and I've only now just arrived home, my hamster Girl is still in her baggie. Mine is also in 5 pieces, the hamster being fired is fine but one of the girl's pigtails has broken off, her right arm has that same mark that's in Hinton's picture, and her left elbow looks like it's been whacked with a miniature crowbar. I'll have to get some pictures later, I'm not really sure how I'm gonna fix that deformity. :(

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doesn't look impossible to overcome, though :)

Mine's even going to be more challenging...

The pics >

This is how many pieces it came in:


Squashed elbow:


An entire bad area:


The entire bottom "layer" of the base has that ragged edge, I may have to sand the whole thing down a mm or two:



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I have to say that if Wyrd ever has issues, and we do from time to time let one slip through, we ship out a replacement immediately as quality is everything. I imagine anyone wanting to run a decent endeavor would do the same. Contact them, send them pictures and even show them this thread where you are reviewing and I imagine it'll get taken care of. Hopefully its a fluke but obviously there needs to be a tighter quality control.

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Eric, thanks for pointing that out, it IS kinda mushed but without comparing it to Hinton's pics, I probably wouldn't have noticed.

Well, nothing like a challenge! I've already started trying to fix her little problem areas, the skirt I won't bother with since cloth is a flexible material anyway.

I does seems like very bad quality control though. I can't imagine ever receiving a Wyrd mini in this bad of shape.


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Hello Duende,

Sorry about that elbow, that should have never got past me, I will get a new body out to you right away. Out of the 200 or so preorders, 99% seem to have gone off without a problem. Thank you for bringing the transit breakage to my attention. I am in the process of talking with Tom Meier about making the pony tails separate pieces. This should completely solve this problem. I am also going to reinforce the hamster projectile in future casts.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my new Hamster Girl today, and I must say it is a vast improvement over my first one. So I took a few comparison shots to show below. The one I originally received is always on the left.

The new Hamster Girls now come with seperate pigtails to avoid breaking off in transit, like what happened to my first.


I never realized how smushed the skirt was until I got my un-smushed version. What a difference!


The gun's handle is better shaped and her elbow is perfect. I also just noticed that my first has a dint in her left cheek too.


This is the back of the gun barrel. My first had some nasty air bubbles as you can see below.


Much better! Thank you for the replacement Ginfritters, I was actually just expecting a new body, not an entire new figure. So since I really don't have a use for the old one, and I don't want to throw it away, if anyone out there wants a somewhat marred Hamster Girl, I'll send her your way, just PM me.

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