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CMON seems to be down.


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Has anyone noticed supervike's been MIA too? :privateey

Maybe vike is really a complex IA program spawned from all the personalities that inhabit CMON, and now that it's out-of-comission, so is he!! :eek:

(It certainly would explain his internet onmipresence.)


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Guest Eastern Front Studios

((somewhere in CMON headquarters a teletype comes through))

gentlemen you're domination of the miniature painting community in this blackout period has indeed gained us more unsuspecting followers worldwide.STOP

continue on as planned.STOP

GW High Council

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But if Supervike is a product of the CMON system, how can he be a member here? :hmmmm: Unless, of course, Wyrd is in fact also a product of CMON and that means that Nathan is too!!

I resent that. Don't make me have Eric find the servers and bash them too instead of just hitting the little red button.

Funny enough, when we started up you wouldn't believe the fit people had over Wyrd being based out of Atlanta, GA. same spawning grounds of New Wave Games (and CMON and Dark Age) and how many people were quick to swear me off because they thought we were another venture by NWG.

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I resent that. Don't make me have Eric find the servers and bash them too instead of just hitting the little red button.

Funny enough, when we started up you wouldn't believe the fit people had over Wyrd being based out of Atlanta, GA. same spawning grounds of New Wave Games (and CMON and Dark Age) and how many people were quick to swear me off because they thought we were another venture by NWG.

wait? you're not?

oh, I don't think the cmon servers are near me...but the Google, Yahoo, and Ebay ones certainly are...if anyone has a grudge against any of them :D

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Hmm, so if I have this all straight then...

CMON is down due to button mashing by Eric which caused the super-virus "supervike" to malfunction, while men with tiny men fetishes are believing that everything Atlantian is a produst of the Great NWG conspiracy to create crappy customer service everywhere whilst consuming vast amounts of nicotine and caffiene... and it all Nathan's fault.

OK, I'll buy it!


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So, it comes back up as soon as I resurface.

This isn't going to help those rumors for me, is it....

No, Vike, it won't.

Hmm, so if I have this all straight then...

CMON is down due to button mashing by Eric which caused the super-virus "supervike" to malfunction, while men with tiny men fetishes are believing that everything Atlantian is a produst of the Great NWG conspiracy to create crappy customer service everywhere whilst consuming vast amounts of nicotine and caffiene... and it all Nathan's fault.

OK, I'll buy it!


Works for me.

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