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Artemis by me, from HF


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Hi all Smile that's what kept me busy for the last days. It was finished some time ago, but I couldn't reveal it because it was my entry for the Femme Fatale II contest.

But here she is: ARTEMIS :D


@Hasslefriesian Thank you Kevin for this beautiful mini!! :D

I managed to take the first place in Simply Scandalous category, and even the Best of Show with this mini.

I think it's also thanks to Kev's talent

Using a few tutorials about colors and Illusionrip's advice about using glazes, I painted Artemis. On the female dwarf I tested what does one do with these techniques, because I felt that whole body would be a challenge for me. And it was :lol:

The rear part was painted the last, and I think it can be easily noticed, which makes me happy because it means I learned something in the meantime. The first thing to do was to stop using the dilluted floor wax which I used for better adhesion and improving flow of paints, but it made painting with glazes more difficult because I always damaged the 'shall-like' layer while applying the next one over it. This made achieving smooth transitions much more diffucult, but I noticed the source of this problem... at the very end of painting.

The design of her shield was taken from a Greek platter, which can be easily recognized on the photos provided below. I am attaching a few photos which were used by me while seeking inspiration. I considered them potentially helpful for deciding upon color scheme and style.

They're trash, but maybe somebody has any use for them




I hope you will tell me what could be better :)

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She is mega gorgeous...terrific sculpt and terrific paintjob. Deserved wins too :)

The thing that gave it away to me that you painted her was Mahon who replied twice in the thread saying the miniature was 40mm and not 54mm. That made me think the miniature belonged to someone he knew and then it was an easy one ;)

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"I hope you tell me what could be better" If you get any better than this I should just break my brushes and swallow them with all my paints.

Ok seriously this is ace. I love the skin as well as the NNM. I prefer a more ancient look design on her shield. I commented on that shadow across the leg which I did some research but till now I'm not very sure if it should be there. The arm holding the shield and the whole right side of her body might have been darker? Also some more highlights on the mane of her helm perhaps?

Hope I didn't spoil your day hehe. Again these are really very minor points. Your standard is what many people is hoping to acheive.

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The thing that gave it away to me that you painted her was Mahon who replied twice in the thread saying the miniature was 40mm and not 54mm.

That's elementary, dear Watson ;)

Funny as it may seem it was just a coincidence this time. The first time I responded to this I simply wanted to make things clear (as I am painting a 54mm mini now and find it a totally different kind of challenge for me), and later was commenting on every single entry - which didn't allow me to skip this one.....

But it was a god guess :)

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Thanx for your opinions :)

To me Artemis is only an image of inspiration, like women in magazine washing a car only in bikini (or withot it) ;)

@Orkydave: I voted on Alice too :D

@Stupidcow: about more light on the mane of her helmet: I think that is point of style or liking. A had no idea what size the miniature would look on photos, and how should I trat this size of miniature. Should I paint her like a big mini or normal - small, especially when painting highlights. If she would be seen as a large model I could go for more subtle highlights and shadows, but a smaller model requires stronger shadows and highlights. It seems people treat her as a large model, so I think I did it right with my play-it-safe approach and not too harsh shadows and lighlights. I also didn't know if I would manage to do well with stronger or more shadows, and I was afraid of overdoing them.

I know you suggest a different approach to lighting, but I assumed that if she's outdoor, the shadows shouldn't be too deep because the light is dispersed. And what should I do about her face then (if there was more shadow on her body) - it should be in more shadow too. And would it still be interesting? I had too many doubts and witout revealing the miniature before submitting her I couldn't get more help.

The shield is further from her body on the front than on the back, so I could place more shadow there, but I don't know if it would be right for the front. I don't know if I did it right because I still don't know enough and haven't seen enough to confirm or deny, but the advice is appreciated because I'll try to be bolder with my shadows the next time :) I am just finishing a miniature I started a year ago and I think I also got lost in intensities of lighting on her. Maybe you could suggest something for her as well? I'll really appreciate it!

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

with the Release of the 300 this week I suspect this mini will become very popular and inspire more great paint jobs such as Ana's

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Thank you for giving my comments such serious thoughts. Lighting has been a very big problem for myself. Trust me I may be able to suggest ideas but I'm struggling to actually do it on my own minis.

As for suggestions for your other mini, why not post a photo here. I'm sure you can get more professional advices from the folks. I'm sure we all love to see more great looking minis from you too.

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