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WARMACHINE: Sea Dogs Pirates preview

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Mustered together from disreputable coastal taverns and wharves, the Sea Dogs are motley pirates hungry for spoils. Armed with swords and pistols and barely kept in check by grizzled mates, the Sea Dogs serve any master with sufficient coin. What they lack in training and manners they make up for with frightening bluster, enthusiastic avarice, and drunken debauchery.

The Sea Dogs are a mercenary privateer unit charging onto your WARMACHINE battlefield this May, where they serve also warcaster Captain Shae as troops in a mercenary privateer army.

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heh. The one with the red stripes at least has that classic chalenge pose going for him. The two with their guns stickinging straight out in front of them look like their falling forward and shoudl at the very least have bayonets on them if their going to be in that rediculous a position. :P And what's with the one with the red coat? Is he trying to pull off some wacky martial arts scorpion sting manuever? I so dont get it.

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A lot of things on the poses there also accomodate the mold process so I wouldn't be surprised if most if not all of those come as one piece (well - guy on the left might have a separate arm as the axe would go into the mold). Take a look at Reaper, there is a reason why everyone has their arms out to their sides or arms held up, etc. Same situation here for the most part, also one of the reasons why most of Wyrd comes in multiple pieces.

I do have to say I like the third one from the right though, like how he's holding his weapon across his torso there myself.

Oh, and PotC2 sucked ...

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A lot of things on the poses there also accomodate the mold process so I wouldn't be surprised if most if not all of those come as one piece (well - guy on the left might have a separate arm as the axe would go into the mold). Take a look at Reaper, there is a reason why everyone has their arms out to their sides or arms held up, etc. Same situation here for the most part, also one of the reasons why most of Wyrd comes in multiple pieces.

And kudos to you for that! :D

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by the same train of thought Mongoose publishing shoud make minis & games based on snake eating rodents

Except a mongoose is of the weasel family and not a rodent. Sorry, flashback to my biology college days. I'll shut up now. ;)

Actually when I first saw the name "Privateer Press", it made me think that they were going to rip ideas off of other companies to use as thier own. ("Arrgh, we stole these plans from GW, now see our new loot, mateys!")

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