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Herryk Aesir (Reaper)


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This is the second figure I've painted for Reaper -- Herryk Aesir of the dwarven faction in Warlord, sculpted by Bobby Jackson.

This one gave me some problems with picking out colors that worked together, but in the end, he came out alright.

It went in the mail today, and should arrive at Reaper sometime next week, and will be in the Painted Showcase over there some time after that.


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Wow! What is your recipe for that greenish gold?


Copy/paste from my follow-up on the Reaper forums:

The skintones are the same basic recipe that I used on Sophie earlier. The only difference is I went back afterwards and did a bit more shading with a reddish tone to give it more of a ruddy look. Unfortunately, I can't remember what the heck I used.

The armor was based with VMC SS Camo Black (analogous to MSP blackened brown), then lightened a bit with VMC English Uniform (MSP Uniform Brown). After that, I went with VMC Goldbrown (pretty close to MSP Palomino Gold), and then mixes of VMC Goldbrown and MSP Pure White until I was left with hotspots of Pure White. After all that was done, I went back and glazed the whole mess with MSP Scaly Highlight to give it the greenish patina that you might notice. Finally, I went back and added additional shading of VMC English Uniform and VMC SS Camo Black.

The cloak was based with MSP Cinder Brown, then lightened with MSP Volcano Brown, MSP Ashen Brown, and finally MSP Pale Indigo. Probably not what you were expecting there. Pale Indigo is one of my favorite colors these days -- it's very versatile.

I originally started the trim on the cloak in gold, but hated it. Then brown with the same result. Then red. Finally I settled on the indigo again so that it wouldn't be so distracting.

Critiques of all kinds are certainly welcome. You can't bash this figure any more than I already have in my own mind, so be as harsh as you like.

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You can't bash this figure any more than I already have in my own mind, so be as harsh as you like.

You must need you head examined because I don't see anything bash-able about this. Wow! Great job! Not only is the greenish gold really well done, I really like his cloak and am impressed it was done using mostly browns. Nice!


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