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Family Christmas gifts - Painted Miniatures


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My husband and I painted miniatures for family for Christmas this year. I am pretty pleased with the results, so I thought I'd share.

The first two are by my husband - a Reaper fish familiar for my step father (who is an avid fisherman) and a buggy-looking bot from Rezolution for my brother (who has a deep fear of oversized bugs, but also has some paranoia minis it will go well with).


The next three are collaborations of a sort. The Reaper fairy familiar is for my sister-in-law, I removed the book and resculpted the hands, but my husband made the box out of plasticard. I also did the painting.


These two Copplestone Urban Cowgirls are a conversion that I've been wanting to do for my mother and my aunt for a couple of years now. My husband made the grocery bags for me out of plasticard and a bit of metal. I originally wanted both "shoppers" to be holding their bags, but my husband looked too daunted over doing the 2nd conversion, so I suggested putting a bag on the floor instead. I did the painting.


Lastly is a Crunch-Waffle Waggamaeph, which I painted for my grandmother. She was probably the hardest to choose a miniature for and she's the least likely to "get" it as well.. :) I had thought of doing a cockatrice, since she has always collected roosters (or maybe she just admired a rooster-something once and we have since flooded her with gifts under the mistaken belief that she really likes them. She's too polite to say otherwise). Anyway, I didn't think explaining what a cockatrice was would fun on Christmas morning, so at least this guy is cute, if inexplicable.


Thanks for looking,


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I think your family's pretty lucky even if the majority of them don't "get" it. I saw the fairy at CMON already but only saw the others here. The Wagga is cute, I keep thinking I have to get some of those someday.

Say.. aren' we related? Aren't you my sister's brother's uncle's cousin's half-niece thrice-removed or something? ;) And which cowgirl symbolizes your mom? The one holding her bag or the double-shooter?:guns:

Well, I hope they appreciate them and have a Merry Christmas! :wavey::gimmie!: :gimmie!: :gimmie!:


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I think your family's pretty lucky even if the majority of them don't "get" it. I saw the fairy at CMON already but only saw the others here. The Wagga is cute, I keep thinking I have to get some of those someday.

The others, excepting my husband's, are now active on CMON. My ego can't take it if his minis score higher than mine, and he doesn't have his own account anyway.. ;)

Say.. aren' we related? Aren't you my sister's brother's uncle's cousin's half-niece thrice-removed or something? ;)

:ahhhhh: Err.. yah.. something like that, but I'm only giving minis to family members who I'm seeing on Christmas day (I didn't paint anything for my father, step mother, step sister, half sister, or two half brothers, nor for any of my husband's out-of-town relatives, so don't feel left out.. ) :)

And which cowgirl symbolizes your mom? The one holding her bag or the double-shooter?:guns:

My aunt and my mother both look really similar and often dress the same, so it's hard to say which is which. Both could be either. And they live together, so it doesn't matter THAT much which is which.. that said, the one with the shopping bag in hand is for my mom, and the one with two guns is for my aunt. :)

Well, I hope they appreciate them and have a Merry Christmas! :wavey::gimmie!: :gimmie!: :gimmie!:


Me too! I painted a miniature for my step sister a couple of years ago (we had drawn a "draw a name and get a present for that person" thing that year) for Christmas and she looked at it blankly for a few seconds and then said "Uh.. thanks.. " and set it aside.. It's probably behind the couch.. :laugh: Anyway, if I get that kind of reaction again, this is probably the last time I do it - otoh, it won't be as unique if I do it every year, either. :)

Thanks to everyone for the kind words. :cheer2:


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I think its a great idea, and I hope they really appreciate it.

This year, I am giving my Dad, (along with a couple of Bigfoot books) a Bigfoot that I sculpted from epoxy putty. He loves bigfoot stories, and could be the reason I seem to have a love of the large footed one myself. Everytime he sees a newstory about one, he immediately calls me about it.

Anyhow, I had sculpted this bigfoot sometime ago, but have just got around to painting him. I want to give it to my dad, but while painting the project I have gotten some strange feelings about it....It almost seems like I'm a third grader trying to please poppa...I'm not sure why I feel this way, but I am really second guessing giving it to him. Anyone care to shrink my head and tell me what to do, I'm all ears.

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Christmas is all about doing something to please the people you're giving gifts to.. what's wrong with that? give him the present =)

Cindy, the waggas are the cutest and best models Crunch Waffle has, and I like yours much better than Olley's. :) You have a right to be biased - you did great!


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Me too! I painted a miniature for my step sister a couple of years ago (we had drawn a "draw a name and get a present for that person" thing that year) for Christmas and she looked at it blankly for a few seconds and then said "Uh.. thanks.. " and set it aside.. It's probably behind the couch.. :laugh:

I think unappreciative people like that should be presented with thier "receipt".

Something written like so:

Time spent working on personalized mini just for you: [XX] hours

Time I could have spent in a store buying something anybody could get: 10 min.

Estimated value of store-bought gift I could have got: $20

Value of a gift that I put much [X amount] of time into and was thinking of you the whole time while doing it: ... do you really want to put a value on that?

Merry Christmas, Grinch!

Just an idea....

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