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Favourite Drink(s)


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Since we got a thread about disgusting foodstuffs and the theme of drinks surfaced in quite some other threads, I decided to start a thread on favourite drinks, both with and without alcohol.

Let's start...


- Coffee: I´m a confessing Ex-coffee-holic. Now I´m back to normal levels (3 - 5 big cups per day), but I still like it strong with just a small amount of sugar and cream. I´m old school and don´t like any additional flavours or fancy stuff done with insane amounts of milk or cream (Latte macsomething ... eek) And don´t tell my about decaf ... what´s the point drinking coffee then?

- simple tap water is the ultimate thirst quencher, maybe mixed half/half with apple juice. (tap water has higher health/hygiene requirements than bottled water you can buy in Germany. I think that´s true for the US as well.)

- If my mind is set on totally artificial flavours, i´m going with a Dr. Pepper. But after a can, I´m done with that kind of stuff for a while.


- Wine: Well, I basically grew up in a vineyard, I know a lot about making wine and still live in the biggest wine producing area in all of Germany. My favourites are "dry" (read as non-sweet) white and red wines, preferably a "Riesling" or a "Spätburgunder".

- Beer: Hmmm, Beer. I like the "Pils" kind of beer most. Big company beers of this kind I like are "Beck's" and "Jever". They have somewhat bitter taste. There's a regionally produced beer I really like, it's called "Apostelbräu". I enjoy drinking english/irish stout beers as well. I´m not one for mixing beer with softdrinks, putting adittional flavours into it or making it less bitter . (A fashion here in Germany as of late)

- Whiskey: Now we're getting to the good stuff. I like the taste of a good bourbon more than a scotch, but most scottish single malts are appreciated too. A good bourbon for example is "Woodford Reserve", a not as good, but really smooth whiskey is "Four Roses". I like "Wild Turkey" too.

*Warning* If you ever happen to have a drink with me and you put either ice ("on the rocks") or pour coke into your whiskey, expect to get a hard smack on your head. Heresy, I say, heresy! That´s downright disgusting. Simple water ("soda") is ok, not everybody can stand the pure taste, but coke? Ice cools the whiskey down too much and you won´t be able to taste it´s full flavour.

- Other spirits: Hmm, well, I drink tequila sometimes and if I´m into cocktails, I´ll order a White Russian (Vodka+Cream+Coffee Liquor).

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Without alcohol:

Coffee: black, 1 sugar


I don't drink any kind of alcohol very often, maybe one a month (and that's a big maybe). It's not that I think anything is wrong with it; I think I just got it all out of my system when I was younger. When I do, though:

Rum & Coke or rum & Dr. Pepper

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- Coffee baby! I drink my coffee pure and untaited; black (sometime you just need something hot and black inside of you..). Not keen on all the strange mixes with coffee, although it can hardly be too strong. Also, I still drink it when it's gone a bit cold.. :s

- Tap water. I drink about a litre a day.

- Tea. At times I like tea, mostly on saturday and sunday mornings. Favourite tea is definately Earl Grey and I'm not overly fond of all the fruity stuff. Like it best with suigar and milk but also drink it without any of those.

- Milk. I don't drink as much of it as I did a few years ago, but I love it!


- Lets just face it; I drink about anything. I work in a bar, so I've tasted a lot aswell.

- Beer. I really like Jupiler, and most other Belgian beers. For me, Belgium is the BEST beer-making country in the world! Don't like most German beers, as they lack taste IMO and only give an after-taste. The English beers have no foam, and are, as we call it here, 'dead' (eg. not sparkling). I DO like the Irish heavy beers though!

- Whines. I like the sweet white ones and rosé, and am only just beginning to appreciate red whines. It takes some getting used to, I must admit, but I'll get to like most of 'em.. :D

- Schrobbelèr. It's a herby liquor, about 22% alcohol that gives me enormous hangovers, but god, I love that stuff..!

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Okay! What a nice THread this is!


- Coffee. Jonas not work without coffee. I am clearly addicted to my morning-cup (which is a cereal bowl - no honestly, it IS). As I had a sore stomach after massive black coffee- abuse during civil service (Some preferred my coffee towards LSD) I came to put loads of milk into it. Until it's almost cold. Imagine a 5-stories Espresso with a quarter liter of milk, there you go!

- Water. Munich's public water is one of the world's best. They even had scientists proving that. I go up to 3 liters a day. I need that.

- Apple juice or Grapefruit juice mixed up with water. Most of my time i put that into my neck.

- Tea. Peppermint. Yammy. Big Cups!

With acqua vitae:

- Beer. I'm from Munich (Oktoberfest yadda yadda). Favourite is Augustiner Bräu, a beer that is brewed in the center of Munich. Outside Bavaria this one is hardky known, but a party ihn Munich without that good stuff ain't much worth of a party! People will leave... really.

I cannot stand mixes. I only love Wheat-beer, but outside Germany it's commonly unknown.

- Ouzo. After a nig meal I like this stuff to clear my stomach. And tasty it is, too!

- Mai Tai: If going for Cocktails, I go for the sour/ fruity ones.

- herbal liquors: See Ouzo!

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On work days: coffee with a Equal/sugar mix and a little half-n-half (bad coffee needs cream) For good coffees, I go without creamers but still add sugar. And I'm one of those horrible people that likes flavored coffees.

Off days: Tea, milk, or hot chocolate with marshmallows on snowy days.

Soft drink of choice: Pepsi although I don't drink sodas often


I don't like beer. Every beer I've ever tried always just tastes bitter to me.

I like the sweet stuff. But since I only drink on average about once or twice a year, I'm not really well-versed various types: I generally try to stick to red wines or any sweet drink with a funny name. At parties I usually just ask for suggestions and go with whatever sound best.

So far there's just one thing I've learned about drinking. On your 21st birthday, when you get free shots at every bar in your college town, DON'T ask a table full of drunken guys what kind of shot to have. They said the same thing every time....


*EDIT* Also wondering how many of you guys drink paint water since so many of you are already brush-lickers... :D

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Coffee - uh-uhhh ... no thank you, don't drink it, tends to give me headaches for some reason.

Water is a big intake for me, usually have a glass on hand when I'm around the house. Coke, love coke, but I've tried to cut back on that a touch. Newcastle Beer, absolute favorite.

Pretty much it, other than the occasional hot cocco or some such. Hard liquor these days makes me violently ill for some reason though I used to drink it, particularly Jack Daniels, but now it just turns my stomach, gives me the sweats and nausia and pretty much puts me out of commission.

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Non alcoholic:

Strawberry milk....could go through a gallon of milk in a day. I have this on very rare occassions.

Coke...non of that pansy diet stuff. I really need to cut back on it. If I have more than a cup or can a day, I tend to get a little reflux now...just one of several reminders I ain't as young as I used to be.

Propel water


It is pretty rare that I drink these days; maybe a few times a year.

I like the Reisling wines--kinda fruity.

Never been much of a beer drinker.

Rum and coke are the drink of choice on the rare occassions I am out at the bar.

I used to drink screwdrivers (vodka and orange juice) and fuzzy navels (vodka and peach schnaps) in college, but after a couple of nasty nights of puking, I lost a taste for it and it never has tasted that good since...

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Water - gotta love the basics

Gatorade - need my electrolites

sometimes fruit juices

not much else, I don't really drink anything which is hot, dont' know why really

With -

Vodka - I dated a russian girl for 4 years, I learned to love it in self defence

Beer - not much, Newcastle is about it, never had much of a taste for it, even after living in portland for 5 years which has 100's of microbreweries

Tequilla - rarely, only high quality stuff, cheep stuff just reminds me of throwing up

Rum - Good in many ways, rum/coke is always a quick and easy drink

Whiskey - love it, do shots of it more than any other drink

Gin - rarely, although I used to have a roommate who made darn good gin/tonics

Wine - Yes, lots, pretty much only reds though, although I tollerate white, but generally avoid it, don't much like sweet or fruity wines, usually the drier the better.

that's about it :)

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I have been drinking lots of 'green tea'...cold YUMMY.

I drink way too much Diet MT. Dew.

I really like the Starbucks Frappacinos, but they are like liquid candy bars...

Lots of water, but bottled water, they put mind control in our tap water over here.

Coffee...with just enough cream to make it tan.


I've never been a big drinker....but I like the occassional beer.

I could sip on Baileys Irish Cream all day long, but thats about it.

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Wow, since I have been diagnosed with Diabetes ( last may) I pretty much drink Diet Mt Dew like supervike during the day and Diet A & W Root Beer at night or Caffeine Free Diet Coke. In the mornings, Coffee preferably hazlenut or french vanilla with enough sugar free creamer to make it somewhere between beastly brown and bleached bone. At parties, I like Sangria or Zinfandels, and after a good dinner, Chambord and Cream or Coffee with Bailey's. I also like Amaretto and Whiskey sours. mm.... thirsty........

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There is one ailment I've heard to be exacerbated by exercise - kidney stones. But yeah, on the whole, it doesn't quite seem fair.

...and ovarian cysts. I've had kidney stones a few times now, and I get cysts rupturing every few days. Joy.

Most favorite non-alchoholic:

1. Milk - I'd drink it all the time if I could, but that's what gave me kidney stones. :D Now I have to settle for one glass a day.

2. Diet 7-UP

3. Coca-Cola Classic - although I can't have it anymore. Messes up my stomach.

4. a glass of ice-cold water filled with ice cubes

Most favorite alchoholic - these I have to separate, because it depends on the occasion which I'd like best.

- mixed drinks:

1. Chocolate Martini

2. Appletini

3. Pina Colada

- wines:

1. Fetzer's Gewurtztrameiner (sp?)

2. Lambrusco

3. Pinot Grigio

4. White Zinfandel

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