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Guess the movie


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Gah finally got 14! Stupid 14.. hates the 14. Just had to look at the figure for a while and think about movies that would have a person made like that.

#11 - once you figure out what all those little things are.. you'll have the title.

#16 - not a clue. Still haven't figured that one out. Keep wanting it to be Clockwork Orange, but no matter how I type that in it doesn't work :(

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I can't really see what #17 is in the picture anyway, man i need new glasses :(

Imagine that whatever #17 is, you're looking at it from the front, straight-on. That may help.

SOMEBODY help me with #9! I can't go paint my Harvest entry until I figure it out. A bunch of different-colored people standing in the middle of the road? That's not ringing any bells here..

:thinking: :motz:

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Okay, the canine clue gave me #9, but I was just guessing. I never saw it and know nothing about except who directed it, and that's enough to make me not see it.

18 I had to do some google image searches until I found the pic because I remembered it from the poster, but I would never have remembered the name.

I still need clues on 2, 8 and 14

[edit] okay, I got 8. It was what I thought originally, but I misspelled it. Apparently enough people misspell it the way I did that it shows up on Google without any comment that the spelling is wrong.

[edit 2] I just got 2. Don't know why, but it just suddenly hit me. I guess I started thinking about what the black book could represent then rememberd who daniel was.

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We got 18 just before I came on and saw your clue. 8 my husband claims to have had previously but misspelled, but I think your clue gave it to him. He had to give it to me, and I still don't think it's nearly so prominent a movie as the others. Thanks bunches for the help, now we can sleep in peace!

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2 - if you haven't seen the movie, there's no way in h e double hocky sticks you'll get it.

But if you have seen the movie then you'll know that if Staples sold underwear they would have just had to show a big pair of "granny panties".

15 I haven't seen but got it because someone said it's a line from a Bogart movie.

It's not a line Bogart says though, or even a line said to him, though he is in the scene were the guy in uniform says it to the other guy in uniform.

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2 - if you haven't seen the movie, there's no way in h e double hocky sticks you'll get it.

But if you have seen the movie then you'll know that if Staples sold underwear they would have just had to show a big pair of "granny panties".

I have't seen #2, but that clue gave it to me since I remember seeing a trailer for it. That was the one that I just couldn't get.

That was fun.

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