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NEWS: 2 new dragonblood miniatures


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New greens for upcoming diorama

Eric, 10/02/2006

A couple of sneak peeks of greens sculpted by the great Bob Olley, based on my sketch from a while back (7/24/06). I will be sculpting scenic bases made for them that will attach into the larger wall structure of the diorama. There is still more work to be done but hopefully these will be ready in the next month. Some design notes - the fill on the big chain is thin and we are working on making it able to be cut out when the figure is cast. Also, the scene is basically an ambush, where the dwarf set a trap with a straw dummy that is currently squashed under the ball and chain. Now he is lighting his matchlock with his stogie to finish the job. The original sketch (from 2005) of the scene is here. Unfortunately for me a few other elephant headed guys appeared on the market since then, so I changed the scene a bit to have more of a storyline.



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The diorama takes shape.

"Springing the Trap".

Both of the bases of the figures are removable, and the figures themselves have labs or pins on the bottom so they can be put on totally different bases. All of the scenery and bases will be cast in resin to reduce weight and price. The target price is $24.99 for the whole. Figures will be made available for purchase separately once the whole diorama is ready.

Not getting exactly what is going on though.


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I think the Dwarf has tricked the elephant-ogre to break down the door, giving him a close up shot at him.....But, the Dwarf doesn't look quite ready for it all...

I like the little smashed dude on the base!

The original artwork was much more easy to 'read'. I think some of the dynacism has been lost.

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