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NEWS: Infinity for september


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Naaah, I'm sure it is some wire neon hair thread that is supposed to look like hair, but when needed, responds to neural inducement and direction and it can quickly be directed in a most dangerous fashion to flash forward and obscure the vision of the eyes, tangle weapons or just cover up an embarrasing spot where the armor got chipped away.

Really ... I bet ...

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I'm reminded of the infamous "Sedusa" from the Power Puff Girls. (Yes I know I should really be sticking to painting minis and stop watching that stuff. It will rot my brain or some such nonsense.) Of course she maintained her hair through special hair gel, which unfortunately was water soluable. After the swimming pool fight scene with the Mayor's secretary, her hair stoped to function, whereupon she uttered a classic line, "You broke my hair!"

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