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NEWS: Mag Ego selling Griffin Miniatures

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Hmmm, this one makes me wonder if something is happening with Griffin Miniatures.... (imaging linked in by yours truly, though not new mini's per se)

We at Maginificent Egos[url=http://theminiaturespage.com/man/megos/] have agreed to carry the remaining stock of Griffin Miniatures. These miniatures are only available via purchase through our website and not into retail stores, due to the nature of our agreement to carry them.

So, if there is any miniatures that you've been wanting, we have them available on our online store.

GRE001 - Greys Running (3 figures) $9.50 USD


GRE002 - Greys Advancing (3 figures) $9.50 USD


GRE003 - Greys Firing (3 figures) $9.50 USD


GRE004 - Greys (3 figures) $9.50 USD


GRE005 - Grey Leaders (3 figures) $9.50 USD


HAR001 - Harbinger of Justice $5.50 USD


HAR003 - Harbinger of Fury $5.50 USD


HAR004 - Harbinger of the North $5.50 USD


HAR005 - Harbinger of the East $5.50 USD


HAR006 - Harbinger of Despair $5.50 USD


HAR007 - Harbinger of Pestilence $5.50 USD


HAR008 - Harbinger of the Moon $5.50 USD


HAR009 - Harbinger of Pain $5.50 USD


HAR010 - Harbinger of Wrath $5.50 USD


The Summoner Limited Ed. (3 figures) $35.50 USD


Checked out both their web sites and didn't see anything announcing this change, or of anything about why Mag Ego is now selling the "remaining stock."

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(laughing) I'm half tempted to buy you that miniature just to see what you do with it on fire.

Well I'll never turn down a free mini, but right now I have a backlog due to studying for the bar exam, and I just got some sweet Wyrd minis for participating in the Iron Painter contest and know exactly what to do with them once I have some free time.

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