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NEWS: Exodus-Roads pirate painting competition

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Another paintingcompetition is on its way. After some discussion on the forum the theme became pirates.

The competition hasn't kicked off offically yet as they plan to start it all up somewhere in july. This is what they say:


We wont be officially kicking off the contest til July because National Talk like a Pirate Day isnt until Sept 19th and we dont want the contest to go stale (give people too long such that they forget, put off to the last second, paint one then get bored waiting, etc...). We are shooting for about a 2 month length.

We are looking to run about 3-4 sub categories within this overall theme. So, stay tuned, and start planning...


So not realy cut in stone yet. But certain enough to start planning for it if you like to paint a scurvy piratedude, or a curvy pirategirl.

I'll keep you guys posted on updates in this thread (or atleast I'm really planning too, but somedays I would even forget my head if it wasn't attached to my neck ;) )

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It's once again time to have another painting challenge, the second of hopefully four painting contests for the year. With the recent rash of miniatures, the release of a movie, and even its own national day of recognition, we figured what better theme than that of PIRATES!

With 5 categories and over 10 manufacturers, including Wyrd Games, providing prize support means that there are plenty of opportunities and reasons to show off your hidden pirate.

Click the pic to take you to the details and rules.


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We are now up to 14 different prize sponsors. And it just keeps getting better and better.

Including, we just received word from the guys that helped to start the whole concept of National Talk Like a Pirate Day. They have joined our list of prize sponsors with a couple copies of their Talk like a Pirate book.


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We are now up to 14 different prize sponsors. And it just keeps getting better and better.

Including, we just received word from the guys that helped to start the whole concept of National Talk Like a Pirate Day. They have joined our list of prize sponsors with a couple copies of their Talk like a Pirate book.


Arrgh, now that be some mighty fine booty.
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I asked because I agreed to do a commission of a squad of zombie pirates.

So theoretically, you are correct, I could.

Realistically there's no way I'll get them all done by the deadline. Besides, only a couple actually look like pirates. Corpse in tattered clothes only screams pirate when it's on a ship with the jolly roger. The couple wearing hats or frock coats though would work.

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Vincegamer. You are talking about your possible entries generic enough I think and they still can be lots of things. But be sure not to disqualify yourself due to the anonimous rule:

The miniature cannot have been displayed in any form elsewhere on the internet or published mediums such as magazines. All contest entries will be displayed anonymously so as to give no one person an unfair advantage (this isn't a popularity contest) and thus there can be no signatures or watermarks upon them. Please do not announce your specific entry on forums, webpage, blogs or any other type of medium about the type of miniature that you will be painting, nor concept sketches. Promotion of the contest as a whole is MORE than welcome and is in fact encouraged.

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Well with a few companies/stores/forums doing multiple competitions a year and quite a few spontanious competitions..there is bound to be a couple having (around) the same deadline. But you won't hear me complain. There seem to be a lot of competitions lately but I love competitions ... and as much as I can handle. Though I have to admit at times i need to make choices too due to time shortage. on the other hand it keeps me motivated to paint well (and better) and keep painting as nowadays 90% of what i paint is for competitions, and i paint a lot lately..

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nowadays 90% of what i paint is for competitions, and i paint a lot lately..
Same for me on the first part, but not on the second. The last thing I painted was Iron Painter, and before that was a local group contest, and before that...it's been so long I don't remember. Probably Rotten Harvest. I haven't gotten much painting done this year.

I love contests as they force me to actually paint, but I still do it so rarely.

This one looks interesting and I've already got a pirate project on the back burner, but having spent some money on buying the parts for the H/H contest, that takes priority.

Though the prate one will kill 2 birds with one plank so to speak....

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Are zombie pirates considered Salty Dogs or Bilge Rats?

Can I say, "it depends"? It's pretty much your choice on a zombie as it's undead which is a monster, but tends to have a former human self which makes it male/female. If the model is clearly a male/female I'd recommend Salty Dogs/Saucy Wenches. If it's just a big, nasty body without a clear definition Bilge Rats. If you went Bilge Rats, we probably wouldn't switch the categories because most undead are monsters by definition. Now a vampire/vampiress we might because they don't rot and stain the carpet as much. :rip:

EDIT: DOH! Stubb beat me to it. I didn't see the page 2 at the bottom. I'm a WEE bit sleepy + still adjusting to the Wyrd forum format. My bad.

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Well with a few companies/stores/forums doing multiple competitions a year and quite a few spontanious competitions..there is bound to be a couple having (around) the same deadline. But you won't hear me complain. There seem to be a lot of competitions lately but I love competitions ... and as much as I can handle. Though I have to admit at times i need to make choices too due to time shortage. on the other hand it keeps me motivated to paint well (and better) and keep painting as nowadays 90% of what i paint is for competitions, and i paint a lot lately..

If there weren't competitions/conventions my painting progress (and mini buying for that matter) would suffer. It's not a matter of want to, just time commitment. If I'm not held accountable by a deadline, "I'll do it when I have time"... which is near never.

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I just wanted to step in real quick and say, that I appreciate Nathan telling me that I could use basically what amounts to his same rules that he uses over here. I had asked him if it was ok to use them as they were of course well thought out and worked well.

I will be posting recognition on our site as well thanking him.


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Well, ladies and gentlemen, the sponsors have started sending in their prize packages...

And so far we are up to over 100 miniatuers and $200 worth of gift certificates. And we have not even received from all of them yet.

This is shaping up to be a GREAT contest for those that participate.

This guarantees plenty of prizes for the winners, as well as several prizes by random draw in each category.

But, there are only 2 weeks left, so you better hurry if you want to get in on the winning free stuff.

Send submissions to: admin@exodus-road.com

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