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NEWS: June releases for Reaper

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Well, it came about when I was at ReaperCon. I overheard they were planning a pirate boxed set and went away and sculpted one. I figured, "Hey, elfy pirate chick! I can do that!" It was too big (tall) and too BIG (y'knowwhutImean). So after getting feedback from Ron, I sculpted another identical one with smaller proportions and they were kind enough to include it in their box o' pirates.

That's okay, though, I'm getting kinda tired of doing pirates too at this point since it's like my 4th one (3 of which will see production). The stuff I'm doing for IMPACT! is still girly but not pirates.

@LeadAsbestos - Yes, Reaper does assign sculpts based on concept art by their in-house designer Tim 'Talin' Colier. However, they also buy original sculpts from freelancers which they feel may fit in with their line. I understand PP does not normally buy sculpts but assigns commission based on a sculptor's track record, style and notoriety. I will be sculpting something specific to show them at GenCon.

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I like the Elf Pirate and plan on getting the box set. I like the sculpting of her face and I especially like the black powder pistol. I am not sure why she is dull. She looks simple to paint but I like that. Every figure shouldn't be a pain to paint. She'll end up hanging out with all my foundry human pirates.

I am not wild about the turban on the dwarf pirate.

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