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NEWS: Freebooter Undead Lady

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I agree with the comments about the stuffed bodice -- it looks goofy with bare bones skull and hand(s). The skull is way out of proportion with the rest of the body. If it had eyes, flesh & normal hair, I would suggest anatomy class for the sculptor. The features are cartoony, oddly shaped, kind of BESM and...heck, I'm still suggesting anatomy class for the sculptor, aren't I? Okay, you're right, enough about the skull. The clothing looks good, but I don't care for the weapon(s) and...I just really don't like this one. Sorry.

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to each his own.

Besides, when is the last time you saw a mini that was in fact proportional?

I think she looks like something designed to frighten, not like an actual corpse that has somehow had flesh removed from head and hands but remaining elsewhere.

The classic death is not the skeleton of some real person, but a face to fear.

This is what I think death would look like if the Elizabethans had personified death as a female instead of a male.

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to each his own.

Besides, when is the last time you saw a mini that was in fact proportional?

I think she looks like something designed to frighten, not like an actual corpse that has somehow had flesh removed from head and hands but remaining elsewhere.

The classic death is not the skeleton of some real person, but a face to fear.

This is what I think death would look like if the Elizabethans had personified death as a female instead of a male.

Agreed, to each his own. I realize now that most of my opinion was stated too strongly. It was not intended to be a 'nobody could possibly like this' rant. If I came on harshly, I apologize. In retrospect, I may have been over/reacting to another post that trashed a couple of sculpts I did like. I lost some of my objectivity toward this one. I should have been more 'it's not for me' and less 'I really don't like it'.

Proportional minis: most anything by Tom Meier, Dennis Mize (rest his soul) to a slightly lesser degree, Werner Klocke...of course, none of these are known for undead sculpts, but still...

It's still not for me, though. I mean, I see your point and accept it as valid. I'm just saying that if I bought it, painted it and showed it to friends, family, fellow painters and gamers, explaining the concept of classic death in terms of gender-reversed Elizabethan personifications seems to be just a bit of a stretch. It's sort of like a joke you have to explain and say, "Get it?" This is usually followed by a blank stare and silence, except for the crickets chirping, or nervously polite (if insincere) chuckling as the audience edges for the door.

But that's just one amateur's opinion, you know?

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That guy has quite a sense for color as well as a fine hand with a brush.

Gal ;)

She is one of my favorite painters. I love her sense of color, she is second to none in that regard. I just wish mine was half that refined.

Any way the mini lookes great. The scheme is muted but colorful. Really top shelf work. It has a very Grim Fandango feel. :D

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