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Valérie's first steps in acrylic

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Some of you might have followed the beginning of this in the shout-box. Valérie (my girl-friend) had accepted trying a bit of painting. So after she chose a subject (in this case a dwarf; she always choses Gimli when we play "The Return of the King" on the PS2), I went out to find some dwarf mini that would be fun but not to difficult for a first experience. This is where I never thought I'd say this, but thank God for GW, their minis are great for beginners :

*) easy to read details;

*) large and well defined surfaces.

So I cleaned up, based, and primed two identical dwarf warriors. I explained to Valérie the basics of applying a base color, shadowing, highlighting, drybrushing, and blending. This is a first WIP pic after about 2 hours of painting (we had some goofy TV show on in the background so we occasionaly took some breaks) :


Her's is on the left and mine on the right. Constructive criticism is fully welcomed :).

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Not bad at all! The chainmail looks good (only needs some brighter highlights in places) and the blue is not too bad either, although I think it needs some further highlighting and some more definition at the edges toward the chainmail. Some of the contours between the blue and the chainmail (especially right above the belt) needs to be tidied up. But, I think everything she's done so far works out really well as a foundation and the suggestions I made can be worked on from here.

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looks good to me, Anders pretty much covered what I would have said.

Does she have other artistic history/training? She seems to show darn good brush control already which would suggest that she either has painted before or perhaps is just quite careful and patient (well she does put up with you! :D )

I think for someone new to the hobby it takes a little to realize how far highlights need to go to look proper, which I think shows as her colors are a little muted, but that is something that grows with experience.

I'll look for her in a year to blowing your minis away ;)

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... patient (well she does put up with you! :D )

:laughing: ;)

Thanks to all for your comments. I'm sure she'll be happy to read them :).

As far as I know, her artistic talents are more in the music domain (she plays guitar). But I have noticed that she has a very good eye for colors and details.

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I think for someone new to the hobby it takes a little to realize how far highlights need to go to look proper, which I think shows as her colors are a little muted, but that is something that grows with experience.

Umm, by "a little" what do mean? Like 16 years or so? *Ahem* :hmpf:

Jabber, he who still can't highlight worth a darn after one and a half decades

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For a first attempt that's pretty awesome, I think it helps if you've got someone to teach you as opposed to reading lots of conflicting info on the web.

Personally my bigggest challenge is neatness and learning the right consistency, seems she's got the hang of those.

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Thanks Patrick. Yeah, it's a lot of fun since Valérie is the one who has been asking for new paint sessions and we've always made them tie in with goofy TV shows, so it's quite lighthearted : paint, lift an eye to see what corny stunt is being pulled off, paint, wonder why they picked that crummy singer, paint, ...

Taking pictures is really a good learning tool. When she saw the photos she thought the beard needed more contrasts and she saw the differences in highlights between the two minis.

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