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NEWS: Black Scorpion Marines

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Not offended in the least to be honest - now lets say you have an Iraqi sawing off the head of a prisoner, then yes, and it would be in pointless bad taste, but this is military personel and frankly, whatever is of a large interest to the population at the moment will gather attention (marines and iraqi's, etc).

That's just me though.

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I can see why it could be a sore subject. The war is just a bit too current and real to have it something we could make light of with a wargame. I think LeadAsbestos may also be referring to the others in their line, they make a few of the Iraqi Militia as well.

Like I said, I am really not offended but can certainly understand the thoughts of someone who is.

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Well, the history of war gaming as we know it was as a way of asking the question: What If?

During the cold war there were many "what if there were a 3rd major land war in Europe?"

"What if Napoleon had known in advance of Wellington's reserve troops?" is an especially popular one.

One reason for asking the what if question is to learn from past mistakes and develop strategy for potential future conflict.

I don't see the difference. I say there is a war going on regardless of what people call it, and have no problem with people working out in theory the potential outcome.

Others of course say the war is over, in which case how is reenacting this war any different from reenacting WWII or Vietnam?

I think rejecting such things denies the reality of what war games represent.

Of course, fantasy and science fiction games don't really ask the what if question, but they aren't the subject here, unless you have the marines fighting off Cthulu.

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I think this is an interesting debate, and a similar one to what the PC Gamers are having.

There are plenty of PC games where you can kill nazis, strategize on how to beat the Viet Cong, and countless other 'past' battles.

I believe there have been some games set in the more current conflict, and they are met with the same uncomfortableness.

I still think it is the 'realness' that makes people uncomfortable. Although digital or pewter avatars, they still represent flesh and blood of family, friends, or aquaintences.

Just like I'm sure our VP Cheney and his buddy wouldn't want to play 'big game hunter' right now...

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