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Nathan Caroland

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ok, I just realized the brilliance here.

At first I thought the hair was too much, and made the mini feel...top heavy to the eye, BUT, that red on the base!! the RED!! ballances the whole thing perfectly, and lets the eye relax and see the whole thing without being overly drawn to just the hair.


(Edgar, can you tell I've been reading more of these books you recomended to me, lol)

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Cheers folks.

I rarely 'plan' what I want to do with a mini. I have a general idea and it evolves from there. The hair was going to be much deeper and darker (I was going to glaze the colour as it stands right back to a very deep red using red/brown/black ink...), but I really liked him as a fellow 'ginnah' and it draws the eye to the face.

As for the base, the warmer colours were indeed designed to contrast the cold colours on Bish himself and make him stand out. The skin was originally much more grey and washed out, but it was far too subtle for my tastes, so I blitzed it. I even considered a very pale green-grey - almost zombie like. He definitely has the feel of Crow-like undead about him.

He was a pleasure to paint, and like all of Edgar's sculpts, is clean and well detailed without becoming self-indulgent and dictatorial to the painter. The arms in particular on this chap are worthy of a mention. Powerfully done and a real highlight.

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