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NEWS: October Freebooter Dark Elf


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I like figures that make me think but I also like to be able to come to a conclusion about them. This one I can't.

She obviously fights cos she has some sort of sword.

Eyes blindfolded...not my cup of tea but hey she could magically see things.....use the force.

Legs strapped......noooooooo way can she fight anything with her legs strapped.

So so.

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she looks like a weird S&M Bondage Elf - not that it would stop me buying it.

Yeah, he must be harkening back to his old S&M-looking models for Inferno. Still, I like this one a lot, even with the bondage leg bindings. I'm seeing it as some summoning circle set-up (the circled skulls, the imp). Very reminescent of Fastner & Larson's "Demon Baby":


I love Klocke's stuff for Reaper by I've not been as interested in his own Freebooter stuff. I think he goes off on weird tangents in the minis and does some odd poses which you don't get with the Reaper models (he's following their art direction there). But this one I'd probably pick up, remove the straps and make into some sort of diorama.

Take care,


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Like Laszlo, I can see her in a certain situation, such as a summoning circle or some such, but to be honest, it is going to take a lot of work on the base to make the whole 'picture' come together for me for that miniature. No doubt there will be some outstanding paint jobs done on her, just I can't get the whole bondage thing, even if I am a guy.


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I'm the only one here who likes the straps on her?! :embarasse

and the blindfold...

Hey, I'm as much into soft-core bondage as many guys (well, maybe not Nathan ;) )but the straps just don't make sense with the rest of what's going on. If you're going to do bondage, then just do the whole package, like the Total Testosterone diorama with the Hasslefree minis.

In terms of the blindfold, I think it's cool. Gives her a mystical air or something like the old Kung Fu 'blind' masters.

Take care,


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