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Waldo's Weekly - Welcome to the Family

Hobby Wyrd

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Hey Wyrdos!


We haven’t seen much of Waldo this week, aside from a few chuckles from the air vents. He’s no doubt planning some good-natured pranks on the newest members of the Wyrd design team!


  • John has been active in the Wyrd community since 2016, and has volunteered at Gencon since 2019. He’s excited to make the leap into designing, where he’ll be wrangling with the strangest creatures Malifaux’s got to offer! But don’t worry- John’s first love is the community, so he’ll still be around to talk games with players new and old alike.
  • Justin is a veteran designer, with work in numerous other titles. However, Wyrd-wise, he’s been involved since Rising Powers and Malifaux 2E. Some of the thrillingly bone-chilling board game Vagrantsong also has his experienced touch. When not rolling dice, crunching numbers, and flipping Black Jokers, Justin enjoys gardening and reading. 
  • Mike is a Canadian author who has been writing freelance for Wyrd since 2016 (go Gremlins!). When he's not helping the Malifaux team or standing in the Bayou daring its most biggest giant leech to "No, you c'mere," he publishes fiction under the pseudonym M.G. Gallows.


That’s all for this week, Wyrdos! Make sure to give the newest members of the Wyrd family a warm welcome before we see you next Wednesday!

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