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Load 'em Up and Lamplighters.

James Gus

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Is taking all 3 Lamplighters going to make the first point for Load 'em Up all but unstoppable?  The lamps aren't destructible, right?  And nothing says you can't put them all on the opponent's side.  Only some rare anti-marker tech like Lost Knowledge is going to stop it, no?


Might get tricky in standard deployment but especially in flank or corner it should be easy to get them all down.

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Definitely telegraphed, but the markers are not destructible.  The number of models that can just remove non-destructable markers is pretty small.  Jedza, Molly, Zoraida, Dashel, Corpse Curator or Wong.  I'm not sure what most folks can do about it.


Also, pretty hard not to telegraph Load 'em Up! 

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Marker removal isn't that rare these days, a quick search shows you can add Pandora's Poltergeist, Euripides 2, Yan Lo 2, Neil Henry, Hoffman 2, Drachan Troopers, Changelings and Jessie Halliday to your list. There's some marker moving, as well as the slam action to possibly put the lamps out of a scoring position. 

It's definitely doable. But you're spending 21 stones to try and guarantee 1 point, and hopefully the second, that's a big investment. Give it a go though and see how it feels, probably the best way to find out.

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I've thought about this before.

The main issue, other than just costing a tonne of stones, is  you'd have to commit to hiring all 3 before you see your opponent's crew and knowing for sure what marker removal they've brought.

The other issue is if the Lamps are all at least 1" apart to score the reveal VP, it'd be fairly hard to end the game within 3" of 3 of them with your master for the end game VP. You'll almost definitely need to Create more of them to help with that. 

If we assume for a second that they don't bring marker removal, then sure, I think it has some play on Cursed Objects or general killy pools, where you can plan to play extremely conservatively and not allow the opponent to kill your models without over extending themselves. That 1 'free' vp could be pivotal. 

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2 hours ago, hydranixx said:

I've thought about this before.

The main issue, other than just costing a tonne of stones, is  you'd have to commit to hiring all 3 before you see your opponent's crew and knowing for sure what marker removal they've brought.

The other issue is if the Lamps are all at least 1" apart to score the reveal VP, it'd be fairly hard to end the game within 3" of 3 of them with your master for the end game VP. You'll almost definitely need to Create more of them to help with that. 

If we assume for a second that they don't bring marker removal, then sure, I think it has some play on Cursed Objects or general killy pools, where you can plan to play extremely conservatively and not allow the opponent to kill your models without over extending themselves. That 1 'free' vp could be pivotal. 

If you put 3 in a triangle, all at 4" from each other, then you can have a leader in there and be within 3" of all of them. And of course you have the ability to make more and move them with the Lamplighter themselves.

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