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Rasputina #1 vs Nexus #1 advice

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I am going to have my first game with post-errata Rasputina tommorrow. My opponent declared Nexus. Scenario is Corner Dep, Leylines, Detonate Charges, Vendetta, Death Beds, Let them Bleed and Spread them Out. Thinking of the game, I have realized that beside few games with a new player who never really clicked with the game I played ONE real Malifuax game in the last ~20 months and I feel pretty rusty. I am really keen to hear your advices for this game. I have never played against Cadmus before and all I know is that I need to protect my models from getting Parasite Tokens as long as possible. When it comes to scheme selection, I am leaning towards Death Beds as my first scheme. When it comes to the crew, I was thinking of Hoarcat Pride as my initial loadstone runner, two Silent Ones (one with MT), Envy, Blessed of December and Snow Storm. No Ice Golem because it's too likely to get Parasite Token early and easily.

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Hi! I have not as big expirience with Raspy 1 but i think she can play in this pool pretty well. Hoarcat is a nice loadstone runner due to steals but he may lack of movement to run from one marker to another once per turn, so maybe i would swap envy for rider (he can help with charges and death beds with his bonus action) but it will leave only 3 stones and this is pretty low amount of them. With Cadmus one of the main tricks is not to allow her models come close to you and Raspy is great with it, again nexus models in most have Mv of 4-5 so tons of slow, staggered and shockwaves will be great 

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Sth nexus doen't like at all are shockwaves and blasts if everything kind clumps together to mitigate dmg and stuff.
There are a lot of low movement attributes in Nexus. The best beaters Nexus has are the bersetker husks which can be creted by replacing an eyes and ears at the start of the activation of Meredith Stanley (also needs a web or corpse marker). But they too are so slow (mov 4, send in the shockwaves and stagger them to mitigate their creep along free action).

And remember Nexus is now SZ3 so can't hide behind anything in her crew (except mb Emissary) AND needs LOS now to draw LOS and Range from another Cadmus model. Yea she can shove off one damage to her own models but at mov4, df 5 she's absolutely killable.
Remember her Upgrade allows her to target two of her own Models at the endphase to do stuff (general non-charge action) which can depending on trigger be an attack oder an interact action IGNORING insignificant.

Some things you have very much going for you is - at least to my ecperience - cadmus hates corner Deployment. With the low movs it's hard to properly unpack.
He'll have a hard time getting leylines captured after the first. There are not many pushes in crew (rember eyes and ears have a lure!) but rather place shenanigans. Creep Along needs a friendly model in the direction he want's to push into (including your parasited models which can only be considered friendly during a models activation).
So you'll probably have a good time if you can claim the symbols good and hinder him some. But remember the lure of the eyes and ears (and that they are considered activated now when they are summoned).

Also the parasite dmg is no longer irreducible, so you might consider the big boy again with the healing you are planning to take with you and reform from ice he'll be quite nice of a distraction if you shove him into your enemies early (remember Tinas new free action which can put some serious speed into the icy boy [2" from the created marker, push 4", place in 2", easy place 8" further up without big boy even walking once]).

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