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Kirai vs Jedza

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Playing a game this evening against a friend. Never seen Jedza on the table before. So looking for tips against her.

Strat: Turf War

Schemes: Vendetta, Breakthrough, Claim Jump, Hidden Martyrs, Catch and Release.

Would you take Kirai1 or 2 and what would you take with her? What are key things to look out for against Jedza and or to target in her crew?

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First of all Onryo and Goryo can prevent enemy models heal with bonus action and it is great against Jedza! Jedza’s crew tends to bubble so shots with blasts and Jaakuna’s hazardous aura have place to play. Jedza 1 can once per activation deal your model 1-4 damage with tactical action so be careful with it. Not shure about Kirai 1 or 2, but kirai 2 and her crew are fast enough to leave your table quarters. 

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Mikhail is a pain, less so now but still a pain, so with going in melee you will need to deal with him first. Grave goo can also make you very sad as it can swallow a key model. 

Also Ikiryo is a hilariously easy vendetta target so expect to give at least one point on that. Turf war is tough for Kirai as a lot of her models aren't terribly durable. You would probably be best served with Kirai 1 and goryo bombing his bubble. You can violent ghosts to throw out a ton of damage or put the no healing on the key model you want to die. 

Just my humble opinion on it. 

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56 minutes ago, ConfuciuSay said:

If you move Jaakuna while her aura is active does an enemy model that she moves near take the hazardous damage?

No. Only Hazardous Markers being moved causes damage, otherwise a model has to move through the hazardous to trigger it. Or resolve an action in it obviously.

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Imo as Arlos896 said grave goo and Mikhail are dangerous models, in this scheme pool Austera and Damned could be models for breakthrough (Jedza also can move models and place scheme markers with a weary road) and vendetta (especialy Austera with her 1/3/5 12 inch no loss bonus action). Kirai 1 may be worth hiring due Goryo and Gwisin summon. You can try to focus kill Jedza but i think it will be easier to kill support and scheme models and then Jedza. 

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9 hours ago, Arlos896 said:

Also Ikiryo is a hilariously easy vendetta target so expect to give at least one point on that

If you're really worried about that, just don't hire her and then summon her turn 1 or as needed. You don't "have" to bring the totem.

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Some notes from the game!

My List



2x Shikome

2x Onryo




My Opponent 




The Damned


Intrepid Effigy

Vernon and Welles

2x Hopeful Prospects

Turn 1

Some posturing and lack luster attempts to kill each others beaters due to bad flips and hands. Ended with Jedza and her crew bubbled up behind the center Turf Marker Vernon and The Damned out on the flanks. Ikiryo and Jaakuna and gone in to try and put some damage in Mikhail but only plinked off a few wounds. 

Turn 2 

More clashing around the center objective. I revealed my crews true power in this matchup when an onryo tried to use Mark of Vengeance on Mikhail. My opponent was able to cheat out of the duel and proceeded to one shot the Onryo off the table with a Hopeful Prospect rifle. The rest of the turn had me on the back foot but I was able to put more damage into Mikhail and threaten Jedza with my Gwisin who had some corpse markers to eat. I did manage to get an Enslaved Spirit summoned off Ikiryo charging back into my opponents crew. End of turn saw both us scoring the Strat but nothing else.

Turn 3

This was the turn things really started to swing in my favor. Between the Enslaved Spirit and Kirai I ended up summoning 3 more models this turn. Goryo and Jaakuna were able to finish of Mikhail with Mark of Vengeance preventing Jedza from saving him. Ikiryo charged into the back field and was chain ganged around to get some of those summons. End of turn I scored Strat and the first point of Hidden Martyrs after my opponent killed off my Goryo.

Turn 4

My opponent was running out of models to grab Turf Markers and I was just making more and more models with Join Us. Since it was getting late we decided to call it. I started killing my own Enslaved Spirits and dropping scheme markers for Breakthrough and my Hidden Martyrs Onryo was safe so it was looking like I'd end up scoring 7 or 8 VP and my opponent was only going to get 1 or 2.




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