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New rules edition?


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My friend and I kickstarted ToS. We were thoroughly disappointed with the rules (we had been playing Wyrd games since Malifaux 1rst edition). The rules were amateurish (lots of great potential but confusing- it read as if the reader had already played the game) and the balance between factions was not very good. 

my friends and I bailed. I kept my armies though, in hope that the rules would be updated. With the new two-player starter set, have the rules been updated? Have the armies been rebalanced? 

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It has been 5 years or so since we last played, so the specifics of what we did not like are lost to time. We are veterans- plus I am super nerdy and enjoy reading rulebooks, so I trust our impressions. We were also very, very versed in Wyrd games rule creation and play testing. The games we played further supported our impressions. This was a huge let down for us as we were pumped for a large scale Wyrd game.

I will re-read the rulebook. The faq does not address army balance. I started with COtBM and my group had no fun playing against them. Alpha strike potential was too much. My buddy played gibberish horde and they were so paired down from initial play test versions, that they felt quite outmatched. 

Other than the faq, the armies are the same as they were upon initial release? 

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I've got decently high hopes for the game once we have additional boxes added to Guild/Court and the release of Kimon/3Kingdoms

At the moment the army lists for the existing factions feel a little anemic (though this is obviously comparing to other wargames which have been around longer) but this will hopefully be somewhat mitigated by the potential of envoying/allying in the editional factions. I've been reserving opinions on the court in particular for a while now because they appear to be a summoning faction who are currently missing some important summons and the ability to purchase additional copies of the 2 squads they currently have (without buying multiple starter sets that is).

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