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"about what will happen to cadmus"


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Hi guys, i haven't played well in Malifaux for a long time and i'm completely rusty on all fronts. 
Some new third edition keywords have awakened my curiosity, including Cadmus; mainly because of its unique play style as well as the gorgeous miniatures; the idea of a hive mind that has awakened from a lethargy is brilliant, the single upgrade that moves between the pieces .. well what to say? Wow Amazing!!!!
I have not yet had the opportunity to try it, nor to see it play so i ignore its potential but from what i read, by many players it is considered a npe keyword.
I realize that at the moment it is pure speculation, also in virtue of the fact that soon the masters with new titles will be released and they will probably change the meta...but I would like to ask you please, (possibly someone who has managed to use this keyword many times, or someone who has even managed to bring it into a tournament)
In your opinion, what will be the changes that will be made on cadmus? or what changes do you think are right to make?


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Wyrd has been really good about not killing keywords with errata. In fact, I'm not sure that there has been even one keyword killed by errata yet.

So whatever the changes, Cadmus will probably still be quite playable (if you can manage to finish a game in time 😜 )

Plus, whatever errata comes will be after titles, so EVERYTHING about the game will be different by then.

But fun speculation: first set of nerfs will hit archivist and maybe the eyes and ears/husk production chain (with a slight alteration of the TN to give the crew one less eyes and ears maybe).

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  • 2 months later...
8 minutes ago, Cranky Old Man said:

What do you think they will nerf on the archivist?

Any number of things.

Card draw and initiative bonus are the biggest factors OOK, so they seem like the highest priority.

The randomly hating on demise is possibly over the top, but it is a good thing for a faction to have access to.

Siphon power could be an easy hit, even though it is very flavourful. Simply removing siphon power and the initiative bonus would sort out the OOK issues straight away I think. But that would maybe be too big a nerf.

Giving it leap seems an issue, so could adjust its mask trigger.

Being cost 8 gives too much synergy with Ngaatoro, so a cost increase could help.

There's a lot of wiggle room.

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