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Moving Through



Hey, how is moving through defined, especially for triggering hazardous terrain and Blade Bush.


Hazardous Terrain triggers when you perfom an action in it or move trhough it.

Now what happens if you get pushed by an enemy model into base contact with the terrain? As per the new FAQ you count as inside the terrain when you are in base contact, but in case of for example Geode Markers which are hazardous and impassable can you count as inside? So would you get damaged when you get pushed into it as you cant move through it nor performed an action inside/in base contact to it.

In that same vein then do you need to move trhough a model to trigger blade rush or is it enough to move into base contact with it.



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If you move through or resolve an action whilst in base contact with hazardous terrain you will suffer its effects. (New errata)

Strictly being pushed into base contact with a hazardous marker by someone else doesn't trigger the hazardous. But if I push you in base contact the geode marker then when you take an action you will suffer the hazardous damage. 

The new errata doesn't actually make you count as inside the terrain. It adds being in base contact whist resolving an action as something that also triggers the hazardous trait. (Beign in base contact with a severe piece of terrain wouldn't slow you down)


Move through and base contact are not the same. To move through part of your base must have occupied the same space as part of the base of the thing you are moving through.

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More important for the basic question, by definition you cannot move through impassible terrain.  It’s the very start of the impassible terrain rules:


Models and Markers cannot move through Impassable Terrain, which often includes solid objects, such as Ice Pillars. Objects cannot be Dropped or placed overlapping Impassable Terrain.


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