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McMourning crew help


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In all cases when beginning ‘faux

Get a full keyword, and learn to use it, its strengths and weaknesses. Restrain yourself from going out of keyword - unless you’re just dying to own a certain model - even if sometimes that might be less than optimal, but it’s just a lot simpler to learn all the nooks and crannies of a single keyword rather than getting a grasp on a whole faction.

Do it until you’ve got a good sense of the game, and knows what you’re missing - it could turn out that McM’s a disappointment to play, and you’re more into robots or scantily clad women. But once you’ve got a good sense of the game, you’ll have a direction to go for a good time. 

After this, if you’re still a good little ressur, you’ll probably like The Dead Rider and Manos with McMurder - and they’ll go perfectly with all the other masters as well. 

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I have a list to recommend you. I have played this list for 2 times.

I think it’s not greatest list, but I enjoy to play.


50ss Dr. McMourning Crew (Resurrectionist)
Size: 50 - Pool: 4
  Dr. McMourning
    Killer Instinct
  Zombie Chihuahua
  Flesh Construct
    The Whisper
    Grave Spirit's Touch
  Canine Remains



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  • 2 weeks later...


McMourning is my 2nd fav master fluff wise (you may be able to guess my fav one ;) ), so have played him quite a bit over the past few editions.  Not amazing with him, but have had some good results with the crew and always have enjoyed the games.

What people will tell you: He's a tank crew which you want to load up with poison and heal.  You then grind through.  Ok you can get Sebastian and Rafkin to do this during turn one, but you are then positionally be on the back foot.  It can work, don't get me wrong, but its not all the time.

What  I used to do:  Mainly a scheming crew, with McMourning, Seb, Nurses and Flesh Constructs in the middle tanking the enemy crew, with Kentauroi, other Flesh Constructs, Rogue Necro, and Gassers winning the game running down the flanks.  If McMourning did not die before end of turn 3, then something had gone wrong.  I wanted the enemy to spend their AP taking him out, and getting frustrated  as he heals from Killing.  this is still not a bad tactic against slower crews.

Where I am now:  Rogue Necro is my 'Bullet Sponge'.  McMourning and Seb chase down enemy minions, when Kentauroi pick on groups of enemies to weaken them before being taken out.  Flesh Constructs are my MVP, debuffing the crew to stop them damaging others, but can be scheme runners with Reckless.  Gassers hide till they can run and score.  Hence any scheme and strat pools where I need to dominate a centre line, I do think McMourning.

I hope this helps?



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