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Announcing The Other Coast Podcast!

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We're happy to introduce a new podcast coming from the Southern California Malifaux Meta, The Other Coast!  We're very new at this, and our first few episodes are primarily intended for beginners, but we hope the wider Malifaux community will find our show a worthy contribution to the available content.  If you'd like to give it a listen, I'v included a link to our website where you can find the episodes.  We're also on Spotify, Anchor, Google Podcasts and probably a few other places!


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18 hours ago, Phinn said:

Would you kindly upload the episodes to Podbean as well? :)

We will look into it, but as it's not a free platform it's obviously much less attractive as an option for us just starting out.

11 hours ago, T-REZ said:

I'm getting back into Malifaux after lightly dabbling in 2nd edition 4 years ago and am in Southern California myself (San Bernardino County).  Really looking forward to giving your podcast a listen. 

Great to hear from someone in the area!  I know we'd be too far for casual games, but once in-person events are a thing again, hope you'll consider making the trip!

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You mention an app - is it for free?


I very much liked the first episodes. A big plus for me is the length. I don't often have the time to listen to much longer podcasts and it's always not easy to recall all that's been said if you pick it up again a week later.

The one episode where you discuss the rules questions about double terrifying test I like your discussion but I really missed your opinion an that matter. If you do something similar again please share your thoughts how you handle it your meta.

As a beginner I still struggle with positioning and movement in the first round. I think also this is something where a lot of players could improve and shorten the gamelength. So I'd really appreciate episodes about basic thoughts about strategies and scemes on a very (!) basic level.

Thanks a lot for creating quality content for our game!

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Jeff, Jim, and Colgan discuss the role damage plays in games of Malifaux and how to evaluate models based on their potential damage output.
This episode is the second in our Malifaux Bootcamp series, primarily meant for beginners. Experienced players will already be familiar with the concepts though they may still find our primitive notions amusing.
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It's an off week for The Other Coast's normal release schedule, but Jim has got you covered!  In this, the second You Make the Call, he explores the wonderful world Malifaux rules and explains why Blast markers might stick around longer than you think.


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Jeff, Jim, and Colgan gather together for a Malifaux Festivus celebration to round out the year. In this episode they air their grievances about Malifaux rules, Through the Beach system mechanics, and the lack of releases for The Other Side. Then they close out the celebration with Feats of Strength where they flex their intellectual muscles (or lack there of).


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The Loner idea could be interesting.  Perhaps a 'loner' model would need to discard a card to cheat or similar.


I also kind of like the idea of variable OOK tax rates.


Both of those ideas do seem pretty large and more like 'next edition' items.  Though they could be introduced via new models and maybe later errata'd onto older models if needed/appropriate.

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