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How do you use Little Lass?


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I've been enjoying playing Mah's keyword, with her card draw, their mobility and glass cannony power. But I've never managed to activate Little Lass and do something meaningful with her. Is there a trick I'm missing to getting value out of her, or is she just there for theme/padding? 

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1 hour ago, OracleToronto said:

it is truly 90% of the actions I take with her. She is a free source of push for models like BBB who have better ways to spend their AP than walking


That makes way more sense than trying to move an enemy model with a stat 4. I think the trigger made me want to use it offensively rather than as a support. so she's just another (free) way Mah's crew can be deceptively fast/cagey. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Additionally I've simply used her as a speedbump, essentially. With three Focus she is, or at least seems like, a bit of a threat and using Focus on defensive flips can have her be somewhat durable. Since she is Insignificant, her dying isn't a big deal. I've also used her to run down a flank to remove enemy Power Ritual marker.

But yeah, Pushing friendlies is by far her most useful Action.

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That was

19 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

Additionally I've simply used her as a speedbump, essentially. With three Focus she is, or at least seems like, a bit of a threat and using Focus on defensive flips can have her be somewhat durable. Since she is Insignificant, her dying isn't a big deal. I've also used her to run down a flank to remove enemy Power Ritual marker.

But yeah, Pushing friendlies is by far her most useful Action.

That was the only thing I had used her for before, just put her somewhere where she's a better target than the models I wanted to live. That usually meant she was in the mix though, and not saving Mah or Rooster AP by moving them. I've probably tried to use her spoon way too much.

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