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Mounted Guard (etc) "Drop It"

Yore Huckleberry

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On the Mounted Guard (and I believe some other Guard keyword models), there's a "Drop It!" trigger off of tomes.

This reads "Enemy Only. Target must Drop an enemy Scheme Marker into base contact with itself, in LoS of this model."

I'm a new player, and I have a technical and a strategic question about this:

1) Does "Enemy Scheme Marker" here mean that it's the opponent's (that is, the player who does NOT control the Mounted Guard triggering the ability)?

2) Is the major reason to do this to try to deny the opponent the ability to place the marker closer to whatever their actual scheme objective is? Or is it just good synergy with, say, Nellie's "Get the Story" or other abilities that just straight up use Scheme Markers as currency?


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1 minute ago, Yore Huckleberry said:


On the Mounted Guard (and I believe some other Guard keyword models), there's a "Drop It!" trigger off of tomes.

This reads "Enemy Only. Target must Drop an enemy Scheme Marker into base contact with itself, in LoS of this model."

I'm a new player, and I have a technical and a strategic question about this:

1) Does "Enemy Scheme Marker" here mean that it's the opponent's (that is, the player who does NOT control the Mounted Guard triggering the ability)?

Friendly and enemy are always relative to the model whose card you’re reading.  So it is specifically not your Scheme Marker when you’re declaring the trigger.


2) Is the major reason to do this to try to deny the opponent the ability to place the marker closer to whatever their actual scheme objective is? Or is it just good synergy with, say, Nellie's "Get the Story" or other abilities that just straight up use Scheme Markers as currency?


There are some synergies, like Dashel Barker’s summoning is easier to do with conveniently placed enemy scheme markers.

But it’s mostly useful for using out of position models to spoil position based schemes.  

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Just now, solkan said:


But it’s mostly useful for using out of position models to spoil position based schemes.  

Thanks on both counts. My collection is fairly small and I'm mostly using the horses for Ride with Me and to have the replace mechanic as kill denial in Reckoning Matchups, so sounds pretty niche for what I'm able to do so far.

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It probably is a fairly situational trigger, but it's a shenanigans based game.  :)  So part of the game is trying to figure out "Why would I want an enemy scheme marker there?"

Some of the other synergies (some of which aren't really relevant to you at the moment, but that trigger gets around...):

- Gluttony (Bayou Crossroads model) has Consumed by Gluttony ability which goes off.

- Bandido's (Outcast model) Trigger Finger ability goes off on enemy models dropping scheme markers.  

- The Executioner's Trail of Gore action requires an enemy scheme marker to target (until they get beat up, anyway).  So you've set up the bonus action to be useable.

- Guild Steward's Protection Money ability goes off when an enemy scheme marker is dropped.  You get a card.


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There's other fun but situational things that a Guard crew could use those for - Queeg can flip them friendly if you have a reason to (say, Dig their Graves. Shoot someone to wound them and they drop the marker, convert their marker into yours, then kill them next to it). Sergeants can move them around with New Horizon as well, which can again screw with further enemy marker placement, or even giving Dashel a better position to summon on.


Agree with the Guild Steward above. I've been using him in my Dashel crews lately and it's been great to help with card draw.

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On 9/21/2019 at 5:20 PM, solkan said:

- The Executioner's Trail of Gore action requires an enemy scheme marker to target (until they get beat up, anyway).  So you've set up the bonus action to be useable.

Peacekeeper (and Howard if you for some reason run some guardsmen with Hoffman) also have that action.

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