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Doubt actions in addition



We have a doubt with the Action granted by the Adjunct. That action is in addition to the one that has the fireteam that leads to the Adjunct, being able to perform an action of your letter and also that provided by the Adjunct, or does the fireteam only win the option of using that action? That is, an Abbisinia Squad of three fireteams could perform a firing action for each of their Fireteam and an additional one with the Experimental Rifle action with the fireteam leading to the Adjunct, for a total of 4 shots?
And the same with the actions indicated as Versatile, those actions are in addition to those you can take, making a unit with the Assests, making a Fireteam with Flare Gun can, for example, perform a Rush and then a Zeppelin Bombardment action?

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Actions that come from an Adjunct or anything that says Versatile is in addition to the Fireteam's normal actions.  So with your example imagine Fireteam #2 has an Adjunct in it, you could do this:

  1. Fireteam 1 shoots
  2. Fireteam 2 shoots
  3. Fireteam 2 shoots (Adjunct action)
  4. Fireteam 3 shoots
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Further building on Retnab's example, if you add a versatile prototype into the mix (like Flare Gun), you could do this:

  1. Fireteam 1 shoots
  2. Fireteam 2 shoots
  3. Fireteam 2 shoots (Adjunct Action)
  4. Fireteam 2 shoots (Prototype Action)
  5. Fireteam 3 shoots

Any of the other fireteams could have taken the prototype action instead of Fireteam 2 also.  The only limitation on versatile actions is that they have to be declared at the same time as other actions.   This means that in the case of Fireteam 2 above, it could not take it's adjunct action, walk, then take it's regular action and then prototype.  Commanders can semi-get around this because their Morale action can specifically be done "at any time" so they have a bit more flexibility.   It does mean a titan can't shoot from a versatile action, then rush in and do a melee attack though.

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Also, semi related but important to remember, you're not able to go back and forth between Fireteams taking actions, so the Fireteam with the Adjunct has to take the two shots back to back, can't have the Fireteam shoot, someone else shoot, and then come back to the Adjunct

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