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New casual player, looking for starter crew ideas


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Hi there!

New to the forum. I played some wargames when I was (much) younger and I decided I want to paint some minis again, and play some casual games with my buddies.

As I don't want to give money to very-famous, bloody-greedy, plagiarizing-yet-absurdly-litigious companies, I researched alternative games and decide on Malifaux for aesthetic reasons (Steampunk Lovecraftian Gothic Dark Universe? you had me at the concept art), and because the crews are smaller and games are shorter and turn-limited.

The fact that these cool Wyrd guys release the PDFs of all the info is awesome as well (I'm testing the gameplay with playmobils).

Now I'd like to get a couple crew core boxes, ideally they should be balanced. I've read that for casuals it's best to go for the rule of cool. I really love the aesthetics of Ressurectionists and Neverborns.

Specifically, I really love the Carrion Effigy (because I really really love plague doctors). It's a resurrectionist versatile, so I suppose I could play it in any Rez crew. Would it align well with Von Schtook? (another aesthetically pleasing Rez).

On Neverborns, the absolutely gorgeous models are Titania's crew, so I'm thinking of getting these as well.

Also Lucius from M2E looks awesome, a depraved venetian nobleman... but it seems so far the 3ed box is not in the roadmap.


I'm open to any ideas and suggestions on how to set up 2-3 starter crews for casual game, so thanks in advance for each and every input.

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The faction specific forums will have good advice!

I don't know those crews, but carrion effigy works quite well with crews that need a healing boost (such as beater-heavy Molly). I don't know about the emmisary, but imagine you'd commonly take it via upgrade anyway (effigy can grow into it midgame).

It might not pair well with Dr McMourning, as his healers are some of the best in keyword, I believe.

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On 7/10/2019 at 5:46 PM, Aglanor said:
Specifically, I really love the Carrion Effigy (because I really really love plague doctors). It's a resurrectionist versatile, so I suppose I could play it in any Rez crew. Would it align well with Von Schtook? (another aesthetically pleasing Rez).

On Neverborns, the absolutely gorgeous models are Titania's crew, so I'm thinking of getting these as well.

Also Lucius from M2E looks awesome, a depraved venetian nobleman... but it seems so far the 3ed box is not in the roadmap.

All great options. The Effigy works well with several crews and would work fine with Von Schtook, although he isn't quite out yet. If you want to play Ressers you'll have to start with another crew. 

If you like both Titania and Lucius though, why not start with Neverborn. pick one of the two and then expand into the other as you get into it. I would suggest that if you're starting today the Titania crew is a bit easier to start with only because the Lucius crew box has kind of split into two crews - Elite and Guard (I think) so about half of the models in that box won't work well for you. So, maybe grab Titania and a couple of other things like Killjoy or Rougarou and get started. That's the easiest start from the three crews you mentioned. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies, Maniacal_cackle and Trample.

I'll go with two core boxes since I won't really play on stores or competitively. Will mostly be playing at home with guests. So I'll go with Titania for sure and either/both Von Schtook/Lucius. Will take the route that Trample mentioned and start with Titania, the only one which is out already, and expand from there.

Have been trying them using paper minis and I really like the variety of tactics with different types of crews. It truly seems like a deep game!

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Titania, Von Schtook and Lucius all play in a different way, so you and your guests are going to experience Malifaux in all its variety!

Have you already seen Guild models available for Lucius? I think Guild Investigator (that one with a dead body wrapped in a carpet) may fit your taste in victorian macabresque.

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