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Tail 'em and buried?



I'm a bit confused. This is a condition that specifically references being in play. Is this covered as an other rule mentioning the model being in play or is this considered a condition/effect happening at the end of the turn which superceeds the previous statement about being in play?


10: Tail 'em
All Minion models in this Crew may target an enemy
Master or Henchman model within 6” and LoS with a (1)
Interact Action to give the target the following Condition
for the rest of the game:
Spotted: This Condition is removed if this model is
outside of Line of Sight of all enemy models at the end
of its Activation. No Action or Ability can remove this
The first time an enemy model gains the Spotted
Condition, reveal this Scheme. At the end of every Turn
after the first, this Crew may end the Spotted Condition
on one enemy model in play to gain 1 VP.


Some Actions will bury a model. When a model is buried it is removed from play
(usually set on its stat card as a reminder). The model is not counted as killed or
sacrificed when it is buried.
Buried models cannot Activate. In addition, buried models are never considered to
be in LoS or within range of effects. These models do not count as “in play” for the
purposes of other rules that reference whether or not a model is in play.
Buried models still process Conditions and other effects that happen at the end of
the Turn (such as the Burning or Poison Conditions).

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11 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

I'm a bit confused. This is a condition that specifically references being in play. Is this covered as an other rule mentioning the model being in play or is this considered a condition/effect happening at the end of the turn which superceeds the previous statement about being in play?

Neither statement supersedes the other.  The Buried model is not in play for the purposes of Tail 'em because Tail 'em say the magic words "in play".

If Tail 'em said "At the end of every Turn after the first, this Crew may end the Spotted Condition on one enemy model to gain 1VP" then you would be able to remove it from buried models.

If the Spotted Condition did something to buried model that didn't have a qualifier of "in play", then the Spotted Condition would do something to the Buried model at the end of the turn.  Just like Burning +X or Poison +X do.

11 minutes ago, Ludvig said:


10: Tail 'em
All Minion models in this Crew may target an enemy
Master or Henchman model within 6” and LoS with a (1)
Interact Action to give the target the following Condition
for the rest of the game:
Spotted: This Condition is removed if this model is
outside of Line of Sight of all enemy models at the end
of its Activation. No Action or Ability can remove this
The first time an enemy model gains the Spotted
Condition, reveal this Scheme. At the end of every Turn
after the first, this Crew may end the Spotted Condition
on one enemy model in play to gain 1 VP.


Some Actions will bury a model. When a model is buried it is removed from play
(usually set on its stat card as a reminder). The model is not counted as killed or
sacrificed when it is buried.
Buried models cannot Activate. In addition, buried models are never considered to
be in LoS or within range of effects. These models do not count as “in play” for the
purposes of other rules that reference whether or not a model is in play.
Buried models still process Conditions and other effects that happen at the end of
the Turn (such as the Burning or Poison Conditions).


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1 minute ago, Alexander Tsikarev said:

I think that the trick here is that the Spotted condition is removed immediately after the model is buried, as there is no LoS to it when it is buried. Am i right?

"Spotted: This Condition is removed if this model is outside of Line of Sight of all enemy models at the end of its Activation."

If a model gets buried during its own Activation, then yes it's outside of Line of Sight of all enemy models at the end of its Activation. But if a model gets buried during another model's Activation, it was still within Line of Sight of an enemy model during the end of its own Activation and therefore Spotted sticks.

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