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Gremlin Enforcer Brawl - Who??


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We're going to have an Enforcer Brawl next week, and we've never done one before - I'm really excited to give it a go!

So the Gremm Enforcers that I actually have in my box are:

Whiskey Golem

I've discounted Lenny. Because he's so damned slow, has Wp 1, and has no-one to buff with his auras. Fair?

But I can see some pretty good arguments for both Burt and Whiskey.  Both can get 3 AP (kinda), both hit hard in :melee, and while Burt can't self-heal like Whiskey can, he has a :ranged attack that might work quite well if the other players bunch up, and he's 3ss cheaper...


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I've tended to take Gracie or Burt (either with dirty cheater).

It is useful to be able to go reckless or reactivate as it can do you damage which stops an opponent scoring for taking your first would.

Hard to kill also deters some opponents going after you as they won't want to leave you on one wound in case someone else kills you for the points.

I think Gracie generally does better but Burt will score better as you will be up against more expensive models.

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Of the three you've mentioned I'd take Burt. Being cheap and having Hard to Kill are two great incentives not to attack you because you're not worth as many points and they have to be able to finish you on the second attack otherwise they've made it nice and easy for someone else to swoop in and steal the kill. Plus Reckless means you can sit at just below full wounds so that you don't even give points away for being hit when undamaged.

My absolute always recommendation is Raphael for most of the same reasons, but with Armour 1, a push out of engagement, and a free Reckless on low wounds, he's silly good.

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Thanks all! I've got to say, i was tiring towards Burt as the "smart" choice, but i also had visions of Poison flying all over the place if i took Whiskey :D not that Poison would score points in this format - it just might be a laugh! 

It's only for fun anyway, so i might try Burt first, and Whiskey another time. And by then hopefully my Ophelia box will have arrived ;)

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I also would recommend Burt. His hardto kill, reckless and dirty cheater are amazing. Also he is slippery and the ability to target another goblin can pay off pretty well.

He hits also hard in ranged and melee and if the opponent wants to pin him down, you can get a trigger that hurts while defending ;).


So absolutely Burt! :D Go forit :D

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20 minutes ago, Lokibri said:

I also would recommend Burt. His hardto kill, reckless and dirty cheater are amazing. Also he is slippery and the ability to target another goblin can pay off pretty well.

He hits also hard in ranged and melee and if the opponent wants to pin him down, you can get a trigger that hurts while defending ;).


So absolutely Burt! :D Go forit :D

Ahhh, one thing - in Enforcer Brawl, you can only take one model, so there would be no other friendly Gremlins around to Slippery the damage onto :-)

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