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Ulix Strats 2 war pigs no pigs to start


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Hey guys so I was just looking at ulix and it seems that most people consider him somewhat subpar compared to Somer, Zipp & Wong but I wanted mess around with him anyways. I looked up strats with him and such and it seems that almost everyone starts with pigs on him and I don't really get why. Firstly I think the best models in gremlins are gremlins so not taking them kind of starts you off on the back foot. I also think that he should be focused on summoning 2 warpigs turn 1 so he can focus on doing other stuff turn 2 onward (maybe summoning an extra warpig per turn there after). So the question for me was how given that I need a high success rate as well as a way 2 heal all the wounds up. 

This is what I came up with:

- Ulix 

+ Husbandry

+ Huntin'  Bow

- Aionus

- Burt Jebson 

+ Dirty Cheater

- Merris 

+ Do Over

- Lightning Bug

- Slop Hauler

- Slop Hauler

48/50 SS

The last two points I'm not sure about between having a 5 ss cache & ulix dirty cheater/ Penelope/ corn husks. All the options are good but hard to choose.

So first thing about this list is that every model is good. What I mean by that is that they are all models I would take with other masters and overall after turn one are extremely self sufficient. In addition Burt, Merris, Slops, Piglets and Bugs all love getting fast from aionus. Merris becomes stupid with three markers a turn (so setup and making a war pig becomes a one model job). 2 Slops can heal 4 models 4 times 1/2/3 heal on turn one getting basically everyone to full after summoning also it gives them an 8 move and heal in later turns. Lightning bugs are extremely flexible with the triggers,  ignore armor, and have two great 0 actions that I feel no one gives them credit for. Burt becomes a 4 ap glass cannon god killer. Aionus can also place 3 scheme markers on turn one (though you may have to burn a stone to get it off it isn't really necessary to place the schemes) so between merris and aionus you can get 6 scheme markers down (depending if you need the draw 2 put 3 on top).

In terms of getting the war pigs reliably you have 

6 card control hand

2 card stone 

2 card do over 

2 card merris 

1 card 1st flip for husbandry 

and lightning bug going before ulix at 5.99999 inches away so that it can make 10 & 11 of masks make a war pig if you got them. (distance maters if you got a 12 or 13 of tombs so you can move ulix in between summons out of the lightning bug bubble) 

Between all of this it leaves the chance of a double war pig at 85% and a single war pig at 95% (+ or - depending on the wasted cards for initiative and other flips between draws). 

This does leave me at a 5% that I'm screwed out of summoning turn 1 but tbh Somer works out to the same odds in most lists and he is considered one of the very best masters. If Ulix does get the double war pig set up it becomes quite a swing models wise. Also most of the time Ulix gets the double war pig he will also get a piglet meaning that you get 10-11 activations most of which are high value. The double slop hauler 4x healing heals all of the pigs and ulix to full most of the time. All the summoning cost Husbandry, Do Over, and a stone to draw. 5 stones for 17-22 stones of models 95% of the time!!

I really like that the rest of the list supports ulix and pigs well but doesn't fall apart if ulix dies and also does things that the pig models just cant do. The two war pigs also give Ulix enough 2 do and he can support them pretty well.

Let me know what you think maybe I'm crazy. 

(P.S. Sorry If this is hard to follow. Lots of ideas but not much organization yet.) 

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I can see your plan here and would add the following suggestions:

- Corn Husks are an upgrade to absolutely LOVE! It is incredibly good against scheme markers and piglets just wont get very, very annoying.

- I dont like the Aionus modle here so much, because models like old cranky, Old Major or maybe even gracie with burt are much more synergetic. I can understand you anyway, if you really WANT to play Aionus anyway, because it is a cool model :).

- Merris in this crew maybe a little subpar, because dropping scheme marker for 0 sounds nice, but with corn husks you are getting so much more out of your piglets! And piglets help outactivate.

- Also your crew might get a problem with the "Set er off" ability, that nearly every non-named pig has. That can be devastating without old major.

- The slop haulers are very nice, but you got no moevement abilities to let them follow without using reckless. So, if they want to heal, they have to use reckless, walk and heal. Also, slop haulers are great, but i struggle to put 2 in one crew, because they are still a point investment and pretty easy to kill. You wrote, that you get 4x time healing which is not correct, because the healing costs 2AP. If you want to heal 4 times, they just have to stay in position and Aionus must be nearby. That is a dream for every master with Blasts or Area effects! Also, your lightning bugs can heal you and your crew up.

- If you dont ant to go pigs, you are lacking Ulix Pig-heal, which is the main reason you included 2 slop haulers i think. Just think about how many times you really can heal with slop haulers, when the battle i raging. Most of the time my opponents see the slop haulers and go focus on one model, killing it rather fast!

- remember that the bugs also decrease the other suits numbers. That is a fact that can be dangerous if you dont have the masks in hand.

- Man, you are hungry and i mean CARDHUNGRY!!! You want to summon war pigs and give out fast from Aionus and that man is crazy! You need so many card 7+ that is is really, really hard to come by with. It is not easy to summon 2 warpigs at the beginning and this is why.


In general i like your idea of abusing that warpig summon, but in this case it is pretty tough. Just think of someone pushing away Ulix and the warpigs or piglets set off...a desaster :). Also Kaeris or any other master with Blasts will be pushed and dragged along to unleash hell on your well packed ball of synergies :). Just bare that in mind :).


In other words, i like your idea, but it can be pretty fragile. I also love Ulix and was writing an in-depth guide for him, so maybe i will finish that soon.


Have fun and see you in the Bayou!


PS: Please try to describe HOW you do all that stuff. Sometimes it was a bit confusing :).


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Sorry about previous post, couldn't delete it for whatever reason. What I wanted to say was in response to lokibri's concerns of blasts onto the bubble of synergy. Seeing as merris will most likely always be close by to drop schemes for war pigs, all the models near her will receive full immunity to pulse and blast effects. She solves several concerns all on her own. Also I  love using two slop haulers. I've played it a few times with some and it works pretty well. Early turns they heal up summons and general wear and tear while moving up the board, then later on when you don't need or can't summon, their shoot attack is actually awesome. Reduce target model's df down to 4, with blasts causing the same condition. If they do their attack successfully, then even your piglets can reliably get good damage in from their charges. Be careful with them though, they have big targets painted on them.

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On 7/21/2017 at 3:17 AM, Lokibri said:

I can see your plan here and would add the following suggestions:

- Corn Husks are an upgrade to absolutely LOVE! It is incredibly good against scheme markers and piglets just wont get very, very annoying.

- I dont like the Aionus modle here so much, because models like old cranky, Old Major or maybe even gracie with burt are much more synergetic. I can understand you anyway, if you really WANT to play Aionus anyway, because it is a cool model :).

- Merris in this crew maybe a little subpar, because dropping scheme marker for 0 sounds nice, but with corn husks you are getting so much more out of your piglets! And piglets help outactivate.

- Also your crew might get a problem with the "Set er off" ability, that nearly every non-named pig has. That can be devastating without old major.

- The slop haulers are very nice, but you got no moevement abilities to let them follow without using reckless. So, if they want to heal, they have to use reckless, walk and heal. Also, slop haulers are great, but i struggle to put 2 in one crew, because they are still a point investment and pretty easy to kill. You wrote, that you get 4x time healing which is not correct, because the healing costs 2AP. If you want to heal 4 times, they just have to stay in position and Aionus must be nearby. That is a dream for every master with Blasts or Area effects! Also, your lightning bugs can heal you and your crew up.

- If you dont ant to go pigs, you are lacking Ulix Pig-heal, which is the main reason you included 2 slop haulers i think. Just think about how many times you really can heal with slop haulers, when the battle i raging. Most of the time my opponents see the slop haulers and go focus on one model, killing it rather fast!

- remember that the bugs also decrease the other suits numbers. That is a fact that can be dangerous if you dont have the masks in hand.

- Man, you are hungry and i mean CARDHUNGRY!!! You want to summon war pigs and give out fast from Aionus and that man is crazy! You need so many card 7+ that is is really, really hard to come by with. It is not easy to summon 2 warpigs at the beginning and this is why.


In general i like your idea of abusing that warpig summon, but in this case it is pretty tough. Just think of someone pushing away Ulix and the warpigs or piglets set off...a desaster :). Also Kaeris or any other master with Blasts will be pushed and dragged along to unleash hell on your well packed ball of synergies :). Just bare that in mind :).


In other words, i like your idea, but it can be pretty fragile. I also love Ulix and was writing an in-depth guide for him, so maybe i will finish that soon.


Have fun and see you in the Bayou!


PS: Please try to describe HOW you do all that stuff. Sometimes it was a bit confusing :).


So in terms of Corn husks I agree I'm pretty sure its going to be my choice .  Obviously turn one this is very pretty hungry but I took what I needed to get it done.  I need 1 card for meris, 2 12+s for war pigs, 2 6+ for slops 4ap. If i can make two war pigs between an 8 card hand from do over turn one and 4 cards cycled, I almost always have the 6+s. In terms of the list being fragile I don't really see how. I have blast resistance and such, I use the same summon models any ulix player would summon, and I have wp 7 burt and aionus in case I need to deal with some high vs wp models. Using pigs in general opens up gremlins to obey shenanigans since they can just make the basic pigs (war pig & piglets) charge my units....but obviously if you are using ulix you have to either take it as a calculated risk or not play it vs certain factions (although tbh targeting wp vs somer isn't exactly the best so since its rare to see ulix it might be a little less likely to get hard countered). 

The reason I stated the lightning bug would stay at a 5+ inch range away from Ulix is that if for example I have a 10 of masks and a 12 of tomes I just have to summon one then walk and summon another since by walking I get out of the lightning bugs range and can now use tombs as usual. Obviously it is not idea to waste an ap but if it means my success rate is that much higher then so be it.  (also in most cases it wont conflict so it mostly doesn't have to waste any ap) 

The main reason I like aionus is that turn one after all that summoning I heal 23 wounds that I caused to myself by pitching 2 6+s.  Thats pretty darn powerful and being able to start turn two with ulix, merris, 2 warpigs, a piglet, and the slops full wounds is super powerful since you just summoned 22 points of models. Also he amplifies the slops, lighting bugs, and burt a ton. Hell If I took corn husks I could give a piglet or a war pig 3 walks and have them do a (0) interact!! Last thing in terms of aionus is that any master that hands out fast or obeys is typically burning a card from hand (14 casting cost) and also using a master AP for it so that means if all i use is 6-8 card to give a model fast then that means I'm being more efficient than a master.

In terms of how all this is done I think that the pictures below should help clarify.

Placement before turn & where the markers should go



Placement After markers are placed



Auras After 


So play by play is this 

1) draw 6 cards 

2) stone 

3) aionus drops a marker then walks and drops another. He can try for midnight to place a friendly marker and thin the deck.

4) go reckless meris uses do over if you still don't have the cards you need use her one action for the draw. which leaves you with 7 cards in hand. place a scheme walk place a scheme with her 0 action (down to 6 cards). (if you use the 1 action to draw and put 3 on top potentially set up for the lighting bug attacking aionus 2 miss and burn two cards of the top). 

5) use Burt place a scheme and depending on where you want him go reckless to get him in position for next turn 

6) go reckless on the lightning bug if the cards on the top of the deck from meris have not been gone through or if you need the + to masks.  move place the scheme marker. if you need to burn the three cards off the top of the deck use the zero action (fail or pass based on the needs of the hand) and then attack aionus. (if some how he gets hit its -50% to damage).

7) use ulix to summon two war pigs and a piglet (piglet only if you have the spare 9 or dont have to walk for the lightning bug)

8) use slop hauler 1 and go reckless and give it fast. use 4 ap 2 heal twice (healing himself ulix two war pigs and merris)

9) use slop 2 same as above just heal the piglet instead of merris.

10) use the models summoned to move and place scheme markers for next turns war pig if you want to make one(corn husks). Or if you feel the need you can leave the two war pigs directly in front of ulix as shown above to block him and the slops with height three pigs. 

Doing the above leaves everyone except burt (who could be anywhere within 10 inches of where he started) inside of Merris's anti blast and pulse zone as well as in Aionus's fast bubble. (in the picture the slops should be spaced a tiny bit away from somer so that the war pigs are affected by her aura).

Hopefully now everyone kind of gets what I was trying to explain in terms of more or less whats doing what.


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3 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

Hmm, it looks interesting, but have you factored in the fact there will be terrain in your deployment zone? From my experience there wouldn't be space to do all of this exactly.

So what I like is that the list is a lot more flexible than it seems.

So the lighting bugs and Burt can be more flexible and start in different positions and their roles can be somewhat interchanged. (The bug doesn't have to waste the 1 ap to clear the top of the deck especially if you already have the cards you need in hand and then there is value knowing you won't black joker the summon). 

If certain terrain  still makes it to tough to deploy like this midnight on aionus becomes super significant. All you need is a 10+ and you can stone the suit for an extra scheme marker that doesn't care about distance for placement (it also let's you move the other ones together which is helpful if terrain is being problematic for placing other ones). The problem with counting on midnight is that it then makes it less likely I have the cards for the piglet but again having the fall back is great. Also if you don't need merris's draw action you can have her place three markers. So worst case you really just need a 6 inch windows that doesn't have blocking terrain. (Even severe terrain where merris's starts wouldn't be an issue).

If for whatever reason you still can't place markers all within 4' of ulix the worst case is you have him move in between markers and skip the piglet  (Black joker midnight or bad terrain etc.)

I will say this though I do hate how precise you need to be about marker placement and how turn one is totally not forgiving at all. Compared to somer summoning it has so many more steps and intricacies you have to be paying attention to for optimal odds of success. 

Edit: I never have interacted after a summon so you learn something new every day lol. corn husks still let's the pigs place them for free turn two which isn't bad. Now im not sure about it again :(.

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Just now, lame0 said:

it's so strong and allows your second turn war pig to just cost a 12 if you place the markers down turn one after you summon stuff in. 

Models can't interact the turn they're summoned though, so you probably can't get another 3 markers down turn 1

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