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C. Hoffman and bureaucratic machine


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I may be a bit late, but I realy do not understand this twist in the latest book with Hoffman and his understading of Lucius bureaucratic machine. In my view it is so ridiculous!

Why should we stop only on the bureaucracy, let's give him understanding of "body mechanics", so he could help McMourning in the morgue. Or why he still don't "feel" the "war machine" (in the meaning of all processes duering war like production supplies and battle actions), so he cuild be not only brilliant engineer, but also a genious general and strategist. Or we can find some other idiomatic phrases, that refer to some mechanics or enginnering words, to give Hoffman more skills.

So as you can see I am a bit upset about such twist in the story and want to know if any other wyrdos are too?

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Hasn't bothered me that much. Considering the bureaucratic machine in this case is likely made up of spells and incantations since Lucius is using magic to mindwash people it isn't that weird that a person who twists cogs with some undefined magic affinity would suddenly see the machinations of a related talent.

No offence to the writers, I appreciate their stories but: It is at it's core fluff short stories written to adhere to game mechanics and probably with a pretty insane deadline. The purpose of the story is to relay that a power struggle between Hoffman and Lucius is imminent that will likely result in some sort of in-game change in how you hire models for guild crews or how those particular masters function.

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General understanding of systems is also useful for understanding all kinds of systems. The reason engineers have some difficulty in understanding bodily functions, is mainly the fact that bodily functions are difficult to observe. It is not so for a bureucratic machine.

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Well, it isn't the first time Hoffman* got a glimpse of the bigger picture of souls and expressed it in terms of the technology he knew. There was just more word count in the story in Wyrd Chronicles 14 and it wasn't as jarring then. There was the lead-up of all the masters' constructs of Malifaux being affected to ease the reader into the metaphor. [I'm still offering flowers to anyone who can tell me why Lilith noticed.]

Metaphor aside, no I have no problem with C Hoffman the bean-counter going through reams of data and noticing what Lucius et alia had been at pains to obscure.


*I think it's necessary to drop the initial during this discussion of heightened perception.

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It made perfect sense to me tbh..

First of Hoffmann was left with running most of Guild operations in Malifaux since Lucius and other top Guild officers were otherwise engaged.

When you taking over leading an operation, you first need to know what resources you have.

What Hoffmann was doing, as far I understand, was doing an audit of current guild logistics and allocation of assets, to make sure they were done in an manner that was most efficient. 

And during this audit he proceeded to find irregularities which he then passed on to the new G-G.

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For me it's perfectly fine, nay I think it's one of the most brilliant godsends in the 4th book.

Totally agree with @Myyrä -  С.Hoffman has a deep understanding of nature of any mechanisms, he fell how  it's work. The administrative apparatus is also the mechanism, even more complicated than from steel and gears. So I think that is beautiful and logical allegory)

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