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Ohaguro Bettari - Free Charge Out-of-Activation


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So, there was a weird interaction in a game I had with Asami the other day against Lucius and The Tooth. The Tooth did her Challenge of Summer against Ohaguro and so at the end of the push she got to hit The Tooth. Fortunately, I had an 11 of :tome's in hand and hit Ohaguro's Ploughed Over Trigger so I pushed The Tooth away and charged The Claw, killing him dead with a Red Joker on several :-fate's.

The thing is, is it legal to Trigger Ploughed Over out of Ohaguro's Activation if the Trigger is only allowed to occur once per Activation? In other words, does the once per Activation restriction mean that Ohaguro can only perform the Trigger in her Activation (though it doesn't specify that it must be her Activation)? Or, does this mean that she can declare it during another model's Activation if an Ml Action is caused for whatever reason? So I was able to declare Ploughed Over against The Tooth but would not have been able to declare it against The Claw as it was still, technically, during The Tooth's Activation?

Obviously, we played it the first way but only after rolling a dice to decide which way. Still, we'd like it resolved finally! Given this issue occurring with Yasunori and Bloodwretches to a degree, should this be FAQ'd for clarity?

Thanks in advance!

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