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Terrifying, engagement, and LOS



had a great interaction that had me scratching my head.... so i asked the local rules people, and it got some more heads scratching they said post it here, hope for an official response... so here it is....
Question: terrifying says if u end a walk within engagement range take a horror test, does not mention los.... so do u need los?

Reason I'm Asking:

according to faq / errata:

Q: If two models are engaged, and one of them wishes to take a Walk Action which will result in it no longer being in LoS of the model it is engaged with (without actually leaving the engagement range) will this provoke a disengaging strike?
A: No. Disengaging strikes only occur if the model intends to leave the engagement range. Although the models will no longer be engaged once their LoS to each other is broken, no disengaging strike occurs unless the model is also leaving the engagement range.

so you can walk out of los to break engagement as long as you stay in engagement range....

so if you break los while staying in engagement range of a terrifying model, you are no longer engaged, but you should have to take a terrifying duel because you are still in engagement range..... right?

Here Is What Happened:

firestarter (has flying 5" move) is on the ground, in a square building with a roof, teddy blocking the doorway, engaged.... hungering darkness behind teddy with los on firestarter also engaged....

firestarter with 1 wound, wants to leave without disengaging strikes, or taking a terrifying test, so flies (ignoring models and terrain) past teddy and huggy, out of the building, up and over a 5" wall, and lands inside a building on a step so it is still within his move range because vertical movement was only 1", top down view movement was 4", he is now outside of los of everyone, but did not break engagement range, so no disengaging strikes....

terrifying says if u end a walk within engagement range take a horror test, does not mention los.... well the firestarter ended the walk still within engagement range, but with no los, as required by the faq/errata....
so take a terrifying?


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Rules Manual, page 48:



[...] Models are engaged with each other if either model is within the engagement range of the other and at least one of the models has LoS to the other.

This means that

  • being within engagement range
  • having LoS
  • being engaged

are three different things. The Terrifying ability specifies the first. Therefore, if you break LoS while staying in engagement range of a terrifying model, you still have to take a Horror Duel.

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