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Titania and Barbaros

Voodoo Specter

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Has anyone got any experience trying these 2 together as I'm looking at Behold my glory and Barbaros challenge meaning several models having to take 1-2 tests to attack anything  could be pretty hand draining add in Fears given form and suddenly your opponent having to spend a bunch of cards just to stay in the game. If your expecting your opponent to bunch up throwing in wrath and or the widdow weaver and it should cause some serious issues.

Do you guys think this could work or is concentrating too much on denial?

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It sounds like you are putting your whole crew into one small area of the board, and really hurting enemy models in that area. But things like Fears given form are not good for you if you are concentrating your crew to much, as you are eitehr taking the flips yourself, or not able to be in the right places because it would hurt you. 

It also relies on your opponent trying  to hit you. If they are also doing a bubble effect, or are a schemer with a way of disengaging (like leap) then you are only minorly inconveniencing them from their plan. 

Over all it sounds like on occasion it will be awesome and completely dominate the game, but on many other occasions your opponent will just play around your bubble of annoyance and score points to win elsewhere. 

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The upside is that Barbaros is a good henchman on his own, so as long as you aren't throwing the entire crew in to that, you'll have a nice combo occasionally, and a good crew otherwise.

I am very much considering a Sorrow or two in this mix, though.  Widow Weaver + Barbaros + 2 Sorrows is 26 points, so basically half your crew.  But Barbaros and Widow Weaver are both excellent on their own, so it's not so much of a sacrifice as it is synergy....

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I've run it before. I like some independent runners (Silurids) and some movility (Graves + Doppelganger, Teddy + Kade) and sometimes a Wisp depending on what the pool is. Changelings usually make it in, as well, as they can do some fun tricks with Titinia once you get black blood on her (Like sticking a foe next to her with Audience and just keep smacking her with Wicked Silence while she relents if the foe is hard to hit while you splash black blood on to them) and with Barbarous (Changelings love their pushes, after all). 

Not for every game and there isn't a static load-out in my experience but it can be effective - just don't let yourself get into the mindset of standing there - grab a model or two but make sure you get into position. All the models you would bring with this are effective in the own.

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