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Daydreams (1)Lead Nightmare



For the daydreams action (1) Lead Nightmare (Ca5/TN10/Rg10): Target friendly nightmare is pushed up to 4" in any direction. this action may not target the same model more than once during a single activation.


Whose activation is the single activation? Understababy a single daydream cannot target the same Teddy twice in one activation, but could 2 or 3 daydreams target the same Teddy in a turn? Or can the Teddy only be targeted once between his own activations with lead nightmare? 

Thank you!

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During a single activation means just that. You can't do it twice in a single daydream's activation but as soon as you move on to another activation you can do it again. It also means that a model that can obey cannot obey to do this action twice against the same model in it's own activation.

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1 hour ago, Firefly93 said:

For the daydreams action (1) Lead Nightmare (Ca5/TN10/Rg10): Target friendly nightmare is pushed up to 4" in any direction. this action may not target the same model more than once during a single activation.


Whose activation is the single activation? Understababy a single daydream cannot target the same Teddy twice in one activation, but could 2 or 3 daydreams target the same Teddy in a turn? Or can the Teddy only be targeted once between his own activations with lead nightmare? 

Thank you!

From the FAQ https://www.wyrd-games.net/malifaux-faq-errata


16) Could you break down when “One per Activation” Actions can and cannot be used? Sure. If the Action has already been taken during the current Activation, then it may not be taken again. If the Action has not been taken yet during the current Activation, then it may be taken.

As specified on pages 32 and 33 of the Rules Manual, each model performs its Activation by itself and is then that Activation is done.

If you have six models in the game, that's going to be six separate Activations.  And if you can figure out how to do it, you can use Lead Mightmare once during each one of those Activations on the Teddy model. 


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I was going to ask exactly that, cool :).


Another question concerning Daydreams and Accomplice. If I Sacrifice a model, it would be per definition the end of its activation, wouldn't it. So could I Sacrifice a Daydream and then chain-activate another model by making used of Accomplice? Or can I only use Accomplice if the model which has the ability is still in-game?


What about the Dreamer's Otherworldly Accomplice. Can I use it after the Dreamer has been buried? For example, activate Dreamer, summon Daydream, bury him because of Waking and summon Chompy. Chain activate Daydream or Chompy?



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2 hours ago, Treehouse said:

I was going to ask exactly that, cool :).


Another question concerning Daydreams and Accomplice. If I Sacrifice a model, it would be per definition the end of its activation, wouldn't it. So could I Sacrifice a Daydream and then chain-activate another model by making used of Accomplice? Or can I only use Accomplice if the model which has the ability is still in-game?


What about the Dreamer's Otherworldly Accomplice. Can I use it after the Dreamer has been buried? For example, activate Dreamer, summon Daydream, bury him because of Waking and summon Chompy. Chain activate Daydream or Chompy?



Question 51 from the FAQ:


51) If a model is removed from play (killed, sacrificed, etc) during its Activation, can it use the Accomplice Ability before it is removed from play? Can other models within range use the Companion Ability? No.

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