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Out of Faction for Zorida


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So, does anyone have any great success stories for models that you've hired out of faction for Zorida?


I just picked her up, as she was the last remaining gremlin master for me. I got Iggy to burn the Voodoo doll, and Nurses so I can finally have my revenge on all of the local rezzer players (Mwahahaha). I'll also be proxying a Will O'the Wisp until they are released.


What else has been worth using with her for you? What to you recommend getting?


I originally was looking at Papa, honestly I feel like I wouldn't use him to his fullest for his :+fate move, and Pere can handle the explosions.

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Since I mainly play Thunders and Neverborn I have almost all of the Wave 1 and 2 models for the factions. I have tried bringing with Zoraida a Silurid, a Waldgeist, a Nurse, a Samurai, Ototo... Most of those have proven to be entertaining in different ways. The Silurid is nothing spectacular in your case given that Gremlins have Rooster Riders. If you have the Winds of Fate upgrade and happen to have a Waldgeist, you can set him up together with two Bayou Gators upfield using Eyes in the Woods (preferably on McTavish - who I do not own). The Nurse is practically a staple, she can do so much stuff (and can be Obeyed out of activation to do it all again). The Samurai is fun as a mobile gun platform, Gremlins have a lot of shooting overall, but still fun nonetheless. Ototo is a real champ with Gremlin upgrades - although he becomes 11ss with the merc tax, Hide in the Mud and Dirty Cheater on him are sooo good :P Have fun with Zoraida :)

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Nice, I'll have to take a look at what Ototo does. My wife has been eyeing the Misaki box anyways haha


The first thing I'm looking to try is to use Poorly handled explosives on the Voodoo Doll. Suddenly having 2 Explosive Demise 4 models in the enemy ranks could be a huge surprise!

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Actually did rather well with Papa Loco a few times.  I had McTavish so it let me get like 4 shots with him a turn with positive to damage *2 from his AP, one from Gator Snack, and One from Obey*.  Caught my opponent off guard having some models picked off turn 1 and 2 that way as cover and combat was not helping him and McTavish's 50mm base made it hard for him to use his own models to hide others.  That said if you are going to go Papa Loco you have to plan to go big on his positive damage turn 1 and 2 as you are not sure you will want to be near him turn 2 to get the positive again.  A Gracie with the positive to damage, Saddle, and Lenny might be interesting but I have not tried it.

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