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Neverborn buying guide?


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Hi guys, I am completely new to the game and after a lot of consideration I think my first faction will be Neverborn. 


Now I know there are a lot of starter guides out there, but a lot of them are starting to be a little bit dated, so I was wondering if some of out newer release might have affected what people recommend new players to buy first?  

The masters I have been looking the most at are Dreamer, Jacob Lynch and Pandora with a slight consideration of Lilith. 

Hope you guys don't mind sharing some of your wisdom :)

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I would start with Pandora or Lynch, personally Pandora, with a box of Insidious Madness, a Doppelganger, Weaver Widow, and Teddy.

Lynch, I'd go with a box of Beckoners, Doppelganger, Stitched Together, Mr. Graves, and Mr. Tannen.

Dreamer is a little tougher. Weaver Widow, Doppelganger, Stitched Together, Insidious Madness, Teddy, Lelu & Lility, and the forthcoming Bandersnatch.

You will notice pretty substantial overlap. This is intentional. Schemes and Stones also has some pretty good articles on starting the various Factions. I'd check that out, too.

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Thanks for the advice guys. I was thinking about also getting Depleted for Lynch, since they fit so well with the fluff, but maybe they are not worth it? Also I really like the alternative Teddy model, so I am going to hold off on buying him till I can get one of those. Should I get Nekima instead then to have a beater? 

How about Changelings and Waldgeists are these something I should be looking at in the beginning or can I hold off on those? 

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3 hours ago, esqulax said:

cool, thanks for the link.

Wouldn't Lilith require getting a box of young and mature nephelim as well so you can grow them?

If you want to play thematic, then yes. If you want to play more optimal Lilith builds, then no. Dreamer is the real Grow Master.

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I almost always point people to the nephilim box as it has 2 decent scheme runners and combat models in the young and a big heavy hitter in the mature. Sure Nekima can use stones but the mature can have our enforcer upgrades and has a further charge threat. The whole box is 23 stones, of which I tend to bring 12-17 most games. Do not let people fool you into thinking Nekima is so much better that you should never look at the mature.

For The Dreamer I would say you will want Stiches, Lelu & Lilutu as those 3 are the models I summon the most. Madnesses are ok, I tend to buy them when I want a pure scheme runner but we are Neverborn, we sort of have the market cornered on cheep scheme runners. After that you can not go wrong with a Teddy or Widow Weaver. The Dreamer is about the only master I do not run the nephilim box with constantly, and even then it is not supper unusual for me to grab both the young with him.

Lynch needs the beckoners, otherwise depleted are a tar pit and everything else is optional. I would say Tannen and Graves are good in general but not needed for Lynch.

Pandora, I tend to think she can be a crew neutral master because the crew can helper do her stuff but is not needed for it. I would look at Widow Weaver, Madnesses, Mature Nephilim or Teddy (I like the mature but teddy has good interaction with kade), she could probably do well with the banraku that will be coming out.

For the most part even those dated buying guides are good to fallow because we did not get much that is like "OMG, I NEED THAT" and all our old stuff is "YA SOLID, 5X5". Sorry been around some people to long.

If I use a wave 3 model then it is normally a member of the crossroad or from the starter box and rarely more then 2 though both of those are good buys (I like crossroad more). Of what are in those boxes my top 4 are: Lust, Scion of Black Blood, Greed, Bloodwretches though I have started using Angel Eye more because of book 4 having a lot I will want to kill from range. I got changling last week and will try them out but not super excited about them and I will get the banraku because they look like they will be fun. The emissary I will get but probably skip over him in a lot of games and I am not even bothering with the dogs till I get Lucius to do a theme crew, we have enough at that level. Wave 4 I am excited about the undead wolves. The bandersnatch will be had because The Dreamer can summon it and the will o wisp might be bout eventually, I feel they are really dependent on what else I plan on taking.

I tend not to take a doupleganger because of not having enough I am will to take out for it but she should defiantly be some where on your top 5 things to buy after a master box.



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