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Competitive Henchmen as Leaders?


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Do you mean just the mixed station bracket where masters and henchmen compete together, or the henchman-only station brackets?

I'm pretty sure there's going to be different answers for the two different brackets.  For example, Kang's a nice choice for a new player in Henchman Hardcore, but in the mixed station bracket I'm not so sure.

Then again, if you are talking about the mixed station bracket, the fact that the campaign rules go to elaborate lengths if a Master led crew is facing a Henchman led crew, well, that makes me question the balance of that particular bracket when it's not being played as two overlapping status divisions.


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13 minutes ago, solkan said:

Do you mean just the mixed station bracket where masters and henchmen compete together, or the henchman-only station brackets?

I'm pretty sure there's going to be different answers for the two different brackets.  For example, Kang's a nice choice for a new player in Henchman Hardcore, but in the mixed station bracket I'm not so sure.

Then again, if you are talking about the mixed station bracket, the fact that the campaign rules go to elaborate lengths if a Master led crew is facing a Henchman led crew, well, that makes me question the balance of that particular bracket when it's not being played as two overlapping status divisions.


A mixed station bracket: a 40ss game where players have the choice to bring a henchman or master as the crew leader.

In other words: which henchmen could lead crews against masters and win? Then, of those henchmen who could win, which are the most competitive (i.e. best)?

Edit: A good example in my mind would be Nekima. I've seen her run crews as a leader against masters and do fabulously, but this was anecdotal and I'm not sure if it was a fluke or if she would be a solid choice in the "real world".

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I will be honest and say that the vast majority of henchmen led crews will be at a disadvantage against a master led crew if only because masters get that 1 extra AP and have more personal upgrade options as already noted.  This is not to say that Henchmen are weak but we are talking 10AP vs 15AP in a standard 5 turn game and AP are part of the lifeblood of the game.  Now that said certain masters would have a better time then others trying.  VP win games so if your crew is designed around the Strat and Schemes to score those VP or deny them you can potentially overcome a lot.  Personally one of the strongest that I have seen is Hannah with I Pay Better.  Nekima can be strong too if only because you then don't have to pay her massive price and can afford to give her SS for prevention, Aether Connection, and still have the SS to build a crew around her.  But in a Master vs Henchmen game I would generally favor the master side winning.

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