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Nellie: Strategy Report Card


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My general feeling of Nellie after a month of playing. All is my own observation.

Turf War/Extraction

This Strategy is not my favorite with Nellie. She herself does not attack models and other masters are pretty good at handling Turf War/Extraction on their own. Perdita and Lady J for instance are really good at locking down the center of the board and doing area denial. That being said she does have a push trigger of 5 inches which does help with getting enemies out of the center of the board.

Overall: B


This Strategy is probably Guild's weakest. Most summoning crews will out pace Guild in this regard and Nellie's crew does not add anything to stopping this. That being said again, Nellie does have a 5 inch push that can cause enemies to be out of position. Also she can give extra actions to high damage dealing models that would delete enemy models from quadrants.

Overall: C


This is more based on Nellie's crew. However, Nellie boosts her crew with extra actions and requiring the enemy to overextend themselves. Phiona Gage, The Judge, and etc... would be able to get more Actions to kill those Hard to Kill and durable models. Downsides may be that her base crew is not as tough, but I think that is a minor misgiving at best. She herself is the most durable master in the game. And I say that without any hesitation.

Overall: A

Guard the Stash

Like Turf War/Extraction Nellie is not meant to hold down the center of the board. But for Guard the Stash this is increases the problems that Nellie has with Turf War. She likes to have a bubble of beaters within 8 inches to give out fast and within 10 inches to attack enemies. This leads to her having to stand in between each stash marker hoping that the enemy is both in line of sight and near a model she can support. The 50mm Blocking markers are detrimental to her style. This can be mitigated easily, but usually by sticking to one stash marker instead of the second. Her crew can typically make up for this.

Overall: B-

Squatter's Rights

This is the same problem as Guard the Stash except it is more spread out. This is probably Nellie's weakest strategy as she likes to keep her models close to her. She can mitigate this by locking down the center three markers, but that would still leave the opponent two markers on either end of the board. The results will either be the opponent's models are spread thinner than Nellie's crew or that the opponent manages to lockdown those two markers and can easily handle Nellie's cluster from a far. There are ways to mitigate this, like all strategies, but I've got the feeling this one will be tougher for her than it would be for Lady J or Perdita.

Overall: C-

Head Hunter

Nellie has a lot of AP control for a master. So giving fast to a model and then using her Propaganda/Angry Mob to have it kill an enemy is potent. Doubly so when the target friendly model can walk and pick up the marker and still have an extra AP to do something else. This makes for a better Strategy for her as she seems to prefer Melee centric crews.

Overall: A+

Stake a Claim

This strategy benefits from Delegation a lot as Nellie can get models across the field faster than any Guild Master in my opinion. This is a bit trickier to gauge as her crews tend to like to kill more than others, but with the right crew she could be dropping a lot of Claim Markers in a turn. She's not top tier in Stake a Claim, but she is definitely not a push over in it.

Overall: A-

Collect the Bounty

Nellie likes to have elite crews that go counter to Collect the Bounty's current meta in my area. Most players in my meta take minion/enforcer based crews. While Nellie can support these models as well she really shines with Henchmen models.

Overall: B


What do you all think of Nellie in regards to Strategies?

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3 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

Just want to add that I don't want to give ratings because I'm so enamored with nellie right now that I'd probably end up over inflating her ratings. 

Yeah I restricted myself to unique ratings. I've got rose colored glasses on as well. I really just want to start the discussion of her. Because right now I see her more as support piece than as an offensive one. She can easily support an ally for a flip of 6 to give fast, but her main offensive abilities start at 6 and are opposed willpower duels. 

Typically I've found her AP more useful at giving more AP to her crew. Maybe 0 action to push, 1 action to give fast + heal/drop scheme, 1 action to Propaganda/angry mob, 1 action to do the previous 1 actions again.

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2 hours ago, Hagisman said:

Yeah I restricted myself to unique ratings. I've got rose colored glasses on as well. I really just want to start the discussion of her. Because right now I see her more as support piece than as an offensive one. She can easily support an ally for a flip of 6 to give fast, but her main offensive abilities start at 6 and are opposed willpower duels. 

Typically I've found her AP more useful at giving more AP to her crew. Maybe 0 action to push, 1 action to give fast + heal/drop scheme, 1 action to Propaganda/angry mob, 1 action to do the previous 1 actions again.

I think that it's one thing I like about her.    So much flexibility.   I haven't felt like a master has so many different options since lilith.   I tend to play her for control,  pushing models around and slowing them.   A turn with 1 scathing review for evidence and 2 propaganda can do a ton of work.

I've made killy lists with Johan Phiona and strongarm or pk.  That's fun too.

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