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Expanding Outcasts (Further!)


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Yeah, that's my plan. Beens aving everything I can up for Black Friday, and pushing the game on my gamer relatives with a promise of assembling and painting (to my sad standard thereof).  


And it's easier than you think!


Parker is Mal, Mad Dog is Jayne, Doc is Simon, the Bandidos play in for Kaylee, Zoe, and Wash, Sue for Book. Get myself a Performer for Inara and add a Ronin for River.


I did get a Miss Fire off Black Friday but she's not assembled or unbagged- that model scares me.  If they do pre-releases beyond the Master boxes, I'd snatch up Dead Outlaws in an instant...

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7 hours ago, Freman said:

Miss Fire was fairly straightforward to assemble. Just remember to stick her legs to the bike before you stick them to her torso. 

I just whised I had read this before assembling mine... all said, in the end the situation was fixed but that moment when you try to glue her to the bike and you see it doesn't fit, argh...

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So, barring any surprise pre-releases or similar, I think this is my finalized list!



Hired Guns
Hired Swords
Salvage & Logistics
Ashes & Dust
Desolation Engine
Hodgepodge Effigy
Generalist Upgrade Deck


Yes, I didn't have the Generalist deck yet, I know that it was long overdue.


I also know it's foolishly low on bodies, but the vision of a Levi/Alyce/A&D/Lazarus/Vanessa list, adding in Abominations summoned for conjuring up the 'Engine and to pad out activations gives me warm, fuzzy heavy metal feelings; sometime after the sale I suspect I'd do well to pick up an extra box of Abominations...


So, good, bad, ugly?

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Being honest, it's a factor of budget and backbone more than anything. I love the look and feel of all three of them, but they tend to be off in their own little bubbles, especially Hamelin from what I've seen?


Its safe to say that I have future designs on all of them. Another reason to go Outcasts? Unlike the other factions I find a desire in at least some way to have all their Masters *chuckle*. 


That said, I love Levi's entire aesthetic and feel; picking up the Viks is for their box more than themselves (though I love their design).


Got to get the bases covered, right?

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