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Repping Union at the NOVA OPEN


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On 31.8.2016 at 10:12 PM, Mrbedlam said:

Hey guys! Role call, who is gonna be at the NOVA Open this weekend with our favorite M&SU models? I'm playing Trios and the Nationals event all weekend with my top 3. My first big con in a long while, hopefully I don't overload myself with Malifaux games.

How did it go?

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I went 3-3 and got 20th place. I brought Raspy, Ramos and Colette to the table. Out of 6 rounds, 4 were master's I'd never played against before. All in all, I had some great opponents and fun games. Except the last. Lol. Hoffman with brutal emissary and an austringer can ruin a bad deployment on turn 1.  

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Pretty sure that Back In The Box is getting a bit abusive. Unfortunately, I didn't win against Karai, but did pull off wins vs Guild McCabe and Ten T Yan Lo. Raspy being able to choke down points vs McCabe and force him out of his 10" upgrade range makes a huge difference. The game vs Yan Lo was crazy close 8-7. I had to spend a turn each taking down Izamu and 2 Jorogumo. I think he messed up a little in that Joro don't drop corpse markers, so he was never able to bring Izamu back. Joro are scary though. 

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Yeah, just saw this, too. I played Kaeris all 6 games of the GT, loads of fun. Ended up coming in 15th I think? I put up my thoughts on that in the Kaeris thread. Got to run Rail Golem in at least half those games, so a good way to close out Arcanists for me, as they're my favorites in the faction. Only used Howard in one game, even better. 

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John! Great meeting you! Nova was a lot of fun the whole way through. Man, I kinda got stomped on my last game. Ressers were definitely my first love but still, Kirai is harsh! Was one of those situations where Casey knew what he needed to do, did it right, and I was wishing Nova was only 5 rounds still. Going for Public Demonstration "for the hell of it" was probably not my best call of the weekend, too.  All in all I think Arcanists gave a good show, will be interesting to see how Sandeep changes things up in the coming year, with a different kind of summoning to add to the mix.

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My short and sweet report. First round was corner deployment/Guard Stash. I played Raspy vs Guild McCabe. I used Raspy and Wendigo to block off most of his best avenues of getting to the stash markers. Acolyte was on a hieight 6 arc of rock that allowed me to basically keep his peacekeeper out of the action until Snow Storm could deal with it. Won that one 9-5. 

Next game was vs Rob's Kaeris. Standard deploy/Turf War. I played Ramos. On turn 2, Rob activated his Raptor first, leaving Cassandra without her Southern Charm and I was able to get a Fast Howard in to not only crush her but cost him 4 soulstones. It was still a slobber knocker from there, and a really fun game, but it cost him all his Leave Your Mark points. I also had the Joss that wouldn't die. I won 9-5

Last game of Day one was vs Arash. Flank Deploy/Reckoning. He took the VIks (of course) and I took Raspy. This game had lots of points where I could have scored lots of points and either initiative or damage flips just didn't come out in my favor.  Arash is an awesome player and it was still a good game even with the butt kick I recieved. 3-8 loss for this round.

Day 2 saw me playing against (Brandon I think) . Standard Deploy/Headhunter. He played Karai and I played Colette. I've had 0 experience vs Karai and I was way to scared of Ikyro. Managed to take down several key models (Izamu and Emissary) but one envy shot killed a mannequin and a performer putting me way behind on activations. I lost 3-8.

Game 5 was vs Chris. Close Deploy/Extraction. He played Ten T Yan Lo and I brought Colette again. There was a lot of back and forth in this game, and we nearly didn't make it through the whole game. Yan Lo's crew managed to not kill any models even though he brought 2 Joro and Izamu, so even though I killed the Joro and Izamu, he couldn't bring Izamu back. Prompting Envy was really the MVP of the game. That guy can pump out so much damage. I just focused down one threat a turn and dropped schemes thanks to Practiced Production for an 8-7 win.

Game 6 was vs one of the guys I came up from NC with, Patrick. Flank Deployment/ Stake a Claim. I brought Colette again, he brought the Hoff. I messed up straight from deployment, not realizing what the Bird in a Box can do when Hoffman can Power Loop and Machine Puppet the Emissary. I was 3 models down on turn 2 and just got rolled from there.  I lost 1-10.


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On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 11:28 AM, Mrbedlam said:

Marcus is next up on the learning block. Probably going to pair him with Colette for the October local tourney.  My starting list looks like Marcus (Trail, Cry, Feral) Myranda (imbued), Cerberus (Pack LEader), Bishop, Angelica (Practiced Pro), Jackalope, and a Raptor.

Curious what you plan on turning Myranda into with the Cerberus in your list already (unless you own a second?)  I seem to have a 75/25 split between Cerberus and Blessed with Myranda.

I will share this list since it was super fun.  I used it Rd 6 at Nova (Stake a Claim, Flank, Hunting, Show, Public Demo, Occupy) vs. a Shenlong Sniper list (on a board with great firing lanes).

Marcus (Trail, Cry, Feral), Myranda (IE), Cassie (PP, Imbued Protection), Blessed (IE), Jackalope, 2x Silurids 5SS


Super fast and was able to cross the firing lanes pretty easily.  The "slower" models (Cassie and Myranda) are DF7.  The Jackalope just hid in corner to deny Hunting and be an activation.  I had such a blast playing this list I will be looking for other opportunities to play something like it. 


Marcus is close to passing Collette as my favorite master


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I have a second Cerberus but Blessed is always a plus. If I need the leap to go off (Stake a claim, Deliver message, etc) I'll go Blessed. If I need extra killy I'll go Cerberus. I don't plan on blowing her up early though. figured I'd use her to keep my main threats healed and buffed until I lose the first Cerberus or am at the best vantage point to get the extra damage.

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