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Will O' Wisp


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Was just checking over the Malifaux Musings for the new Neverborn models.  It mentions the Will O' Wisp (screaming meat sac) as being a Swampfiend, which means McTavish has a lot to say about them, and Zoraida can bring them in as a gremlin master.

For anyone not caring enough about Neverborn to know what they are, here's just a quick summary of what they do.  Paraphrased from Malifaux Musings.


Rare 3 spirit, swampfiend minions. Any model that fails a WP duel within 3” of them lets them place a scheme marker in base to base with the enemy.  Attack action: "The Wisp’s Call", a ranged spell that places a condition on the target which forces them to take walk actions toward the wisp with one of their AP and prevents charging.  They also have a tactical action to use a (2) action off of another Neverborn model within 10” for (1) AP.


I don't have the book, so if anyone can confirm, I'd like a confirmation.  The article specifically says they copy a tactical (2) from another Neverborn and use it for (1) AP.  Is that accurate as Neverborn only, or is it friendly and they just typed it up as Neverborn because they didn't immediately think of Zoraida playing with them with pigs?

I'm hoping it's just friendly models, because I'd like to consider the possible things in Gremlin they could copy, giving me some more use with Zoraida as a greenskin.

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3 minutes ago, Izzinatah said:

Yeah, does she still count as Neverborn when running as Gremlins? I tend to run as Gremlins as she's my only Neverborn master. A ~17-18" max range Voodoo Doll summon and extended Hem threat range is amazing.

She does count as Neverborn, yes. (You can't take Lazarus with TT if your Master is McCabe since he is also Guild and this would be a similar case).

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Well, they'll only every be hired in Gremlin lists if you're running Zoraida with Tarot Reading, in which case I think they bring a lot. (2) abilities as a (1), a 'lure' tactical action and any enemy Obeyed within 3" of them also drops a scheme marker!

I have another rules question: Can they use (2) abilities from upgrades? Zoraida has some good ones.
Edit: found the answer, yes they can :)

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  • 2 months later...
On 09/08/2016 at 4:18 PM, Izzinatah said:

Well, they'll only every be hired in Gremlin lists if you're running Zoraida with Tarot Reading, in which case I think they bring a lot. (2) abilities as a (1), a 'lure' tactical action and any enemy Obeyed within 3" of them also drops a scheme marker!

I have another rules question: Can they use (2) abilities from upgrades? Zoraida has some good ones.
Edit: found the answer, yes they can :)

Is this limited offer just tactical actions though? So they can summon the voodoo doll and use fickle winds, or can they use the other (2) actions on other upgrades as they don't specify tactical or attack?

Thanks -:0) 

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A Raven WillO could make for a useful 20" roadbump, engaging a sniper or breaking a slingshot


But a Voodoo summon/Hem + a second WillO summon/Hem + a summoned Voodoo Hem = three goes at Hemming, must eventually get through anyway and removing high defence cards along the way - must be a beautiful, beautiful thing.


So my new ambition - one turn - Z summons Voodoo + Hem. Z Hex damage, Merris burns it. WillO summons, Voodoo Hems a second model, Iggy burns it. Voodoo activates, Hems to a third model, something punches it + burning damage end of turn from previous Iggy. Three models damaged/dead. Is this just a beautiful dream?



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16 minutes ago, Je ne c'est LaCroix said:

A Raven WillO could make for a useful 20" roadbump, engaging a sniper or breaking a slingshot


But a Voodoo summon/Hem + a second WillO summon/Hem + a summoned Voodoo Hem = three goes at Hemming, must eventually get through anyway and removing high defence cards along the way - must be a beautiful, beautiful thing.


So my new ambition - one turn - Z summons Voodoo + Hem. Z Hex damage, Merris burns it. WillO summons, Voodoo Hems a second model, Iggy burns it. Voodoo activates, Hems to a third model, something punches it + burning damage end of turn from previous Iggy. Three models damaged/dead. Is this just a beautiful dream?



Wisps limit the Action they copy to Once per Turn and only by that Wisp. And a model cannot be targeted by the copy action more than once per turn (so you can't copy several (2)Actions from the same model during a turn).

Also, Merris can't burn friendlies so that doesn't work, either (her attack is enemy models only).

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7 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

Wisps limit the Action they copy to Once per Turn and only by that model.

(1) Ever Changing Form: Target a friendly Neverborn model within 10". Take a (2)
Tactical Action printed on the target's stat card or one of its Upgrades. This Action
may only be taken once per Turn and only during this model's Activation. A single
model may only be targeted by Ever Changing Form once per Turn.


I think here you refer to 'This Action may only be taken once per Turn and only during this model's Activation.' - so your read is that the (2) action can only be taken once per turn? But could it be that it's that Ever Changing Form action can only be taken once per turn? Because my read would be that 'This Action may only be taken once per Turn and only during this model's Activation'  is there to stop Zoraida obeying the Ever Changing Form for a (1) voodoo summon?

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40 minutes ago, Je ne c'est LaCroix said:


(1) Ever Changing Form: Target a friendly Neverborn model within 10". Take a (2)
Tactical Action printed on the target's stat card or one of its Upgrades. This Action
may only be taken once per Turn and only during this model's Activation. A single
model may only be targeted by Ever Changing Form once per Turn.


I think here you refer to 'This Action may only be taken once per Turn and only during this model's Activation.' - so your read is that the (2) action can only be taken once per turn? But could it be that it's that Ever Changing Form action can only be taken once per turn? Because my read would be that 'This Action may only be taken once per Turn and only during this model's Activation'  is there to stop Zoraida obeying the Ever Changing Form for a (1) voodoo summon?

Hmmm, yeah, I believe you are correct. I think that one could read it as I did but your interpretation seems more likely (and makes more sense). But still, doesn't that last part preclude you from Summoning multiple times with the Wisps so you only get two Doll Summons (one from a Wisp, one from Mama Z)?

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